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A Year in Review
A Year in Review
As I look back on 2010, I'm happy I made it through this rough year. I was single all year, worked 6 months out of 12, lost my health insurance, gained 12 pounds, was sick the entire month of June, spent $475 on Rigby's vet bill, had many blankets and towels ruined by Rigby's bad habit caused by her unfortunate bladder stones, and I injured my right IT band (that's a tendon that runs from the knee to the hip along the outer side of the thigh.)
On the plus side, I brought in 2010 with both my sisters in St. Paul, I was a bridesmaid for the first time for my best girlfriend from college, I was an usher for the first time for my best guy friend in LA, I ran five half marathons, completed a race series, finished a 13 mile walk/run up to the Hollywood Sign, saw my family a lot more this year, made more wonderful friends, discovered new music, helped a few women find new ways to be healthier, learned to successfully hula hoop, learned new recipes, and I stuck to my New Year's resolution to dress nicely all year long (thanks to the special deals I got at Goodwill on skirts and jackets).
One highlight of 2010 was getting my favorite local band, GSG to play 32 songs live, of my choosing, on my birthday night. I had a blast dancing with friends and singing along to all my favorites from that band.
Another highlight, Hans and his wife took me to Disneyland for my birthday a couple days ago and bought my lunch and dinner. I freakin' love that park. I always have fun going there.
I sure hope 2011 has a lot more wonderful things in store for me. Please!
posted on Jan 2, 2011 2:23 PM ()
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