Not two days later I was feeling the subtle signs of a scratchy throat that turned into a chest cold which hit me hard on Thursday.
Then Saturday, EDD sent me a check for only one week instead of two right before rent was due.
I started to feel like I hit rock bottom. No job for months, sick with no insurance, and barely enough to cover rent so I don't lose the roof over my head. Sure I just finished yet another half marathon and should feel like I'm on top of the world, but I really felt like I was just running to keep up.
I still kinda feel like that.
What I do have, is time on my hands. Tomorrow I will get back to my workouts - which give me those much needed endorphins to chase the blues away. I'm also tending to my ever expanding cooking skills. The more I need to count calories, the more I need to explore new foods and flavors. The Cooking Channel is my new best friend for great ideas.
Speaking of cooking, just two and half weeks till my yearly pilgrimage to my hometown to help my mother prepare Thanksgiving dinner for 25-30 of our closest relatives.
And in the meantime... "I Hope That Something Better Comes Along." - Rowlf the Dog