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Sexy Sadie
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Life & Events > New Year with a New Job

New Year with a New Job

Hello again, this blog post is mostly for kdawg who has been asking me to post.

After reading my last post, I can tell you that a few days later I got an interview at a Make-up FX shop that went really well. But the project didn't start for another 5 weeks. That caused a lot of stress and sadly a lot of stress eating during the month of October.

It's a great job. While I'm just an admin, I'm an admin for creative types on a Feature film! Too cool. Most of my co-workers are men (married men) - which is a nice change. And they are all really great to work around. I have no complaints except the shop hours are 7am-4pm. Even though I'm a morning person, I'm really missing the chance to get my morning workout done before work. But with a 30 minute commute, there's no way I'm getting up at 4am to do so. Which also cuts down my trail running in the winter since I'm working or commuting during peak daylight hours. On the flip side, I get home most days and pass out on the couch by 7pm. Making going out with friends or anything else difficult.

All work and no play is making my life a little dull.

But my goal for 2012 is to find balance. I purchased 10 yoga classes and 10 kickboxing classes on special holiday deals. Hoping to charge up my after work routine. If I can get more workouts in, maybe I can find more energy for other fun, after work adventures.

Speaking of, I need to start dating again. Now that I'm back to work, my self esteem is better and I feel more comfortable with the whole dating prospect again. I'm not going to rush into anything. But I'm certainly more open to it now. And once I have more energy, I can start getting out into the world to mingle. Who knows what the new year could bring into my life.

Wishing you all a Happy New Year! May 2012 bring many good things to us all!

posted on Dec 30, 2011 10:42 AM ()


Happy New Year to you. Enjoyed hearing about what is going on in your life. Have a great 2012.
comment by redimpala on Dec 31, 2011 10:39 AM ()
comment by crazylife on Dec 30, 2011 8:52 PM ()
So good to hear from you. Best wishes for a wonderful year to come.
comment by troutbend on Dec 30, 2011 3:07 PM ()
YAY A POST! Thanks lady!
I am glad work is going well. I have been an admin as well and it all depends on who you are working with - so I am glad you like the peeps!
I have been eating like I am a starving person -- which I am not -- and it shows. I signed up for Weight Watchers again, and I am tracking, but not officially starting until January. I am looking forward to clothes fitting better!
comment by kristilyn3 on Dec 30, 2011 11:21 AM ()

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