Sexy Sadie


Sexy Sadie
Los Angeles, CA
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Can't Buy Me Love

Life & Events > Relationships > Having One of Those Days

Having One of Those Days

I'm having an up and down kinda day. Starting with telling my co-worker how I burst into tears last night talking with my friend Mere about my pet issues with Thom. I totally tear up at the very thought of giving up my kitty cats, Rigby & Sarge since Thom is allergic to cats. I can't and won't do it. I also get upset because I don't think I could sleep every night between Thom and his pitt, Ben.

Ack, I really like Thom but I don't see how we're gonna move past the pet issues.

Work is stressful, but after I saw the shining face of GD, Jay's life partner/girlfriend and she asked, "Do you want to see your bike?" My life got happier. That's right I bought the bike and have been waiting patiently for three weeks for Jay to have time to assemble it. Part of being patient was not blogging about it. LOL

GD showed me how to take off the front tire but when we put it in the back seat of my car and tried it with both wheels, it fit. I got home and rode it around the parking lot of my apartment building a few times... okay like 8 times. It was a lot of fun ... and I definitely remember how to ride.

I've got some practice to do before I'm ready for the streets of LA. Not to mention I want to wait till after my Half Marathon (in two weeks) to get serious about the bike riding in the city.

The bike was the high but I left the trunk of my car open and it's been running the leveling function too often lately and the battery was nearly dead when I went to start the car. I grabbed my backup jumper battery and it was dead too.

The dead batteries brought on a low for me. I got back into my apartment with bike and backup battery in tow and started recharging the backup. But too late, I let out some stress-filled tears. I don't know why I'm so sad today... maybe it's just all the training making my hormones a little stronger. All the runner's highs giving me really low, lows in exchange?

I'm sure it will pass soon. Besides, I have AAA if I still can't jump my car tomorrow morning on my own. I would like to get in a 3 mile training run, hit the polls to vote tomorrow before getting to work. Worse case, my polling place is a block from my house and I can always take the Metro again and train tomorrow.

But despite all my backups... I still feel a little low tonight.

posted on Nov 3, 2008 10:55 PM ()


I'm jealous you have a commute that give you the opportunity to use the bike! Manhattan Beach is a bit of a b*tch....
comment by hawkwoman on Nov 4, 2008 4:21 PM ()
"jealous of the bike" LOL
comment by stiva on Nov 4, 2008 1:34 PM ()
big hugs!
comment by mrsstu on Nov 4, 2008 9:01 AM ()
I totally understand it but you can always ride your bike to work!
comment by spicybitch on Nov 4, 2008 8:00 AM ()
I didn't know what the deal was about you and Thom living together. Now I understand. That's one of those irreconcilable differences Choices like that could tear you up.

You are a mobile Sadie. Running and now biking too You'll have to report on how biking the streets is different from spinning class.

That sucks to have a dead car battery. It's happened to me a couple times with my current car. One day it just won't start. I hope the backup battery does the trick
comment by stiva on Nov 4, 2008 7:27 AM ()
I hope this morning finds you in a happier place! May your car start and the polling lines be short!
And YAY BIKE!!! I am proud of you for being so patient and for not forgetting how to ride!!!
comment by kristilyn3 on Nov 4, 2008 6:11 AM ()

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