Sexy Sadie


Sexy Sadie
Los Angeles, CA
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Can't Buy Me Love

Life & Events > Relationships > The Cold Caught Up

The Cold Caught Up

So the cold that I've been dodging from my co-workers for months has caught up with me on my first day of funemployment.


I'm fighting it with every known remedy that has ever worked for me. So far it's just a scratchy throat but it's threatening to enter my lungs... I need my lungs this Sunday to be tip top as I have my eighth half marathon to run on a hilly mountain trail. I checked it out with my new trail running friend DS. He's an awesome trail runner and we went when the heat was too much for me so I couldn't go very far or very fast. It wiped me out. And apparently left me vulnerable to this dreaded cold.

So hopefully I can kick this thing to the curb by morning.

I had so many wonderful plans to workout this week to prepare my body for the rigors of a trail half. Maybe I can still do some yoga in the morning.

On the other side of my day, my ex Thom called me out of the blue to ask me for directions to the fashion district. He gets lost easily and used to call me all the time for directions. He needed materials to build a gorilla, or was it a bear for some commercial that he's working on. It was a much better conversation than the one we had back in November. It ended on a good note and not us bickering over our breakup in June.

So that's a good sign. I'm in a much better place now in my life.

Now if I could just find my next boyfriend. I've met lots of guys, but none of them boyfriend material. I noticed last week that knowing that my job was ending, I was more at ease and a better flirt. My last job was so stressful, I was having a hard time flirting so the last few months have been a bust in my dating world.

But all things must change. Here's for nothing but GOOD changes to come!!!

posted on June 9, 2010 8:00 PM ()


I think everyone has sick lately... sheesh! I hope you feel better by now though - and YAY ONLY GOOD THINGS!!!
comment by kristilyn3 on June 14, 2010 3:50 PM ()
Just starting to feel better after a whole funemployment week lost.
reply by sexysadie on June 14, 2010 4:05 PM ()
Relax and rest so you can run like the wind!!!!! Feel better.
comment by spicybitch on June 10, 2010 10:03 AM ()
You too!
reply by sexysadie on June 14, 2010 4:04 PM ()
take heed from a silly old bugga how to ease the congestion and fix a cold smart ----ready for it ------------------------not sure i oughta tell ya ---- it works but you might feel alone -----okay will i or wont i tell ---alright i will ---------chew a white onion segment ----the fumes will clear it out -----fair dinkum ----chew it everytime i get the wog --it works ---not much chop for ya love life though
comment by kevinshere on June 10, 2010 3:02 AM ()

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