Sexy Sadie


Sexy Sadie
Los Angeles, CA
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Can't Buy Me Love

Life & Events > On to the Next One

On to the Next One

Life is always a roller-coaster.

I like the old wooden ones over the metal monsters that contain corkscrew turns. It's the corkscrew turns that get me every time right in the ears with the overhead safety bar.

Well life is like that too. This month's corkscrew-turn is an out-date from my most recent job. It's not a complete surprise but I had been told I was working on a project that should have taken me through December. I had grand plans of paying off debt and redecorating my living room with the higher paying salary I've been on.

But it's back to funemployement for me starting the second week of June. Not that I mind mentally taking a break from this job. It hasn't been a favorite because my co-workers are stress junkies. I actually felt a weight lift off my chest when I was told I had two weeks left. Financially it's not good. I recently had to use my entire tax refund to purchase a new work laptop. I had wanted to keep the refund in my savings for a rainy day but the laptop died a sudden and final death a month ago. It had a good long life of five years, may it rest in peace.

Luckily two weeks ago, I had caught up financially and started putting money into my savings account. I also reapplied for a new health insurance plan that will lower both my yearly deductible and monthly premiums as I finally qualified as NOT "at risk" for cancer! Woohooo!

Part of my grand plan was to save up for a new HD tv. I'm still using my 10 year old standard def television and while that's fine by me an HD tv is a very good tax write off for someone in my line of work and I wanted to make the investment this year.

Plans change and I gotta roll with the coaster.

posted on May 26, 2010 5:48 PM ()

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