Sexy Sadie


Sexy Sadie
Los Angeles, CA
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Can't Buy Me Love

Life & Events > Relationships > What Gets Me Through the Day

What Gets Me Through the Day

I know it's been ages since I've posted. But nothing really big has happened in the meantime.

I've been going out to see bands again. LA has a lot of great music to offer for free or a few dollars cover. I've never been a fan of spending more than $20 to see a concert. The bigger the venue the more I feel disconnected to the music. I really enjoy the smaller venues, the more intimate settings.

I was so lucky to see Spoon at a small venue in January, at a secret show before they started their international tour. The club's maximum capacity was 300 and I was front and center. Something I would never have been able to do at a bigger venue. I really love Spoon's music, but don't feel bad if you've never heard of them. I have an affinity to enjoy lesser known bands.

I've recently immersed myself back into that indie music scene. I went often back in 2001-2004, but after my sister moved away, I felt like a misfit in that scene, going all alone each time. Funny to think that in a group of misfits, I felt like the outsider. So I stopped going.

After getting laid off in October, an old friend posted a free show that was just down the boulevard from me, so I went. This time the misfit-in-me fit in. I was accepted, befriended and even hugged by strangers that I just met. And yes, that's where I met the Musician.

I've made even more friends in this scene, and am having a great time. People who wouldn't give me more than a hello 6 years ago, greet me with smiles and hugs when they see me. Guys who would have never spoken to me before, are starting up conversations with me. I'm slowly finding that it's because we are all older and more comfortable with ourselves, I know I am more comfortable with myself now than I ever was in my 20s.

It's not really the best place to find my next relationship but it's certainly what gets me through the week. I look forward to each show and gathering. I'm not seeing the musician any longer, except as friends. My emotional distance from him is helping open up my dating aura. He was completely blocking it for months. I even got an out-of-the-blue hello posted by my ex last night on FB - I haven't seen him in months.

But that's okay. I'm ready to find my next relationship, hopefully a true loving one. But in the meantime, I'm gonna Rock my single world.

posted on May 2, 2010 3:11 PM ()

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