CJ Bugster


CJ Bugster
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My Wild Dreams

Life & Events > Relationships > Worrying About My Sweet Friend

Worrying About My Sweet Friend

I continue to communicate with my sweet friend on almost a daily basis. She  is so broken in spirit right now, and there is precious little any of us can  really do to help her, although she has a wide base of friends who have offered her support and love.br>

Her grief is further compounded by the loss her children have experienced, and I know from my personal life that when our children hurt, we parents hurt a hundred fold for them.br>

That is one reason that I have such empathy for her. I can honestly say that if I had been fortunate enough to have had a third daughter, I would have wanted it to be Alex.  Just as I have always wanted to take the hurt away when one of my children was suffering, I would willingly take her heartache upon myself if it were only possible.r>

I know that the only real answer for her is time...right now, the shock, the ache, and the fear are still just below the surface, ready to spill over from the slightest reminder.br>

Aside from her personal loss,  she is also dealing with the frightening prospect of rearing three children alone, although she has a wonderful mother who lives with her to help.

Yet, I know that she has fears right now that the entire burden is on her, and she cannot help but entertain from time to time the horrifying thought that they would be left bereft were something to happen to her.

I had those fears when I took it upon myself to rear my children as a single mother; they are only the worries of any parent who realizes she is all that is left as a security for those she loves most and who are the most helpless.

I was buoyed nonetheless by something my brother said to me when he reminded me that 99 per cent of the things we worry about never happen. She is an attorney, so she will enjoy the benefit of having a good job; in addition, hopefully, her husband had some life insurance, which I believe he did.

He was a financial planner and an accountant, so one can only assume he planned well for his family too./>

She was working only parttime in recent years. Whatever her financial situation returning to work will help. Staying busy is one of the best ways to endure the long days ahead.

As for the nights, I truly hope she is eliciting the aid of her doctors to help with sleep. It's the nights that are the hardest.

She has always been such a positive, happy person.   I know she will emerge stronger, but not for some time yet.

posted on June 10, 2011 8:41 AM ()


It takes a long time to heal. I know. Blessings to you and your friend.
comment by dragonflyby on June 14, 2011 3:03 PM ()
Yes, it does, and the process can be so painful.
reply by redimpala on June 17, 2011 4:30 AM ()
It's a relief they will have financial security. The emotional part just has to be endured. And, of course, one never gets over it, merely learns to live with it. My thoughts are with her and though you feel you cannot stop the pain, I know your concern and presence are a comfort to her.
comment by tealstar on June 13, 2011 4:33 PM ()
I hope Holly is right, and I think she does know because the four of them sat down, discussed those issues when they drew up the documents giving legal custody to one another of their children should both pass away.
reply by redimpala on June 17, 2011 4:33 AM ()
I am glad she has many friends to lean on.
comment by kristilyn3 on June 11, 2011 7:51 AM ()
Alex is just that kind of person. Everybody loves her.
reply by redimpala on June 11, 2011 9:00 AM ()
Too bad when a father dies and leaves a wife with young children. Let't all hope he purchased a lot of insurance so the kids will have college
taken care of.
comment by elderjane on June 11, 2011 6:03 AM ()
Holly, who knew more about their finances than I, because she and Bevan were the legal guardians of their children if something happened to both of them, tells me that Allen had enough life insurance that Alex would not have to ever work again if she chose not to. In addition, since he died in an accident, he probably also had double indemnity, as nearly all life insurance does. So, financially, she should be more than secure.
reply by redimpala on June 11, 2011 8:59 AM ()
Sad, sad story and outcome. My thoughts (sorry, no prayers) are with the mother and kids (and you, for your concern).
comment by solitaire on June 11, 2011 5:41 AM ()
Thank you, Randy. When you care for someone, you just wish there were some way to take away some of that pain. Unfortunately, all one can do is offer love and support. We each must bear our pain and burden alone, sadly.
reply by redimpala on June 11, 2011 5:54 AM ()
As you said it will take time--seems she has enough support to help get her through.
comment by greatmartin on June 10, 2011 5:34 PM ()
She has a good support system in her family and friends. But, for her, time is the only thing that will change that pain into something sweeter, although the memories will be with her forever.
reply by redimpala on June 11, 2011 5:56 AM ()
Did they figure out the cause of death?
comment by troutbend on June 10, 2011 12:25 PM ()
I believe it was ruled a simple drowning.
reply by royalblog on June 10, 2011 2:36 PM ()
comment by jondude on June 10, 2011 8:51 AM ()

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