Love hearing about your family. We had a guest last evening who is also interested in the "special" children. We were discussing children with autism during the evening. You are a special person that can handle a special child. God bless!!!!
Great post!!! Maybe you should be a writer. nenah
The flu shot didn't bother me at all. I must be a tough old lady!! Wish I could still paint. My back would go out in the middle of it, so I won't start.
Good for her!!!! Hope I am as bright at 88.
A man may be honest when he gets into politics, but it doesn't take long to corrupt him. Sometimes, I just hate to vote, only vote against, never for. Just for the one I think would half way do what he says.
great!!! I don't have leaves to burn, but do have acorns to blow off the patio. I do it and an hour later, need to try again.
My church still takes care of our needy members. That is how it should be - and no one else knows but them. One of the ones who needs help told me the other day or I wouldn't have known. He is embarrassed and hopes to soon get to the point where he can take over for himself and his wife. He is willing to work and has started a job this last week.
I could not live on my ss check. My medicine is more than it is. Also my sisters.
Smartest child I ever heard of!!!!
I will not be here in 20 years, but weep for those who will. We must get back to basics and make our country strong again. I don't believe our founding fathers meant for us to be a Muslim country.
Love your blogs. Keep them coming.
I read it all toooooo. Get yourself some "rat poison and put it behind the frig, stove, and anywhere else that it can be hidden - away from kids and pets. The mice will eat and leave your house to die. I put it in the attic of my garage pretty often as I see rats out there.
Glad you will be getting help with dear little Julian. Don't volunteer for anything. Use the time to pamper yourself. Take a long bubble bath, go have a pedicure or anything else that you enjoy. YOU DESERVE IT!!!!!!
Welcome back. Please blog, we have too many that just listen.
Call your local "bobbie". Is that what you call them. Here they are called police. Have them come and help you get him and all his junk out of your house. No one can make you do what you don' t like, except yourself. Come on, be strong !!!! Stand your ground. Lock your doors. Nenah
No man should come between a mom and her children. They aren't worth it. Get rid of any one who would encourage your drinking. Stay strong and love your children. Nenah