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Black Conservative Thought

Politics & Legal > New is Old

New is Old

Tea party – so what – as if they are something new. 235 years ago the first tea party was the same as now – mad as hell and not going to take it anymore -- taxation without representation.
Tea party of the 1950s, Brown v. Board of Education – mad as hell – sepatrate was not equal – not going to take it anymore.
Tea party of the 1960s, anti segregation sit ins and marches against democrat fire hises and police dogs – Rosa Parks and Dr. King – mad as hell and not going to take it anymore.
Tea party of the late 1960s and early 1970s, hippie anti Vietnam war protestors – mad as hell and not taking it anymore.
Tea party of the 2010s, anti socialism, anti destroying American business and American jobs, anti higher taxes to special interest political policies, anti community agitating pitting one group of citizens against other groups – mad as hell and not going to take it anymore – ousting the incumbants whether democrat or RINO and replacing them with representatives which will represent the people and not the democrat party, which pads their bank accounts for voting against America.

posted on Sept 15, 2010 5:11 PM ()


A man may be honest when he gets into politics, but it doesn't take long to corrupt him. Sometimes, I just hate to vote, only vote against, never for. Just for the one I think would half way do what he says.
comment by nenah on Oct 28, 2010 7:02 AM ()
There is not one politician that has gone into office making an "average" salary who has not come out being a millionaire. They all start to believe theirs is a permanent position which is why we desperately need term limits for all political positions. I am not a Republican or a Democrat; I am just a conservative. If I could ever find a conservative Democrat with an agenda with which I could agree, I would vote for them. Finding a conservative Democrat is like finding a unicorn.
comment by gapeach on Sept 19, 2010 1:46 PM ()
I have always been, and am still a registered democrat, what else could I be from growing up in the age of JFK, but, I have not voted for any democrat in over 30 years. I am a JFK Liberal - a modern day republican.
reply by oldfatguy on Sept 19, 2010 6:51 PM ()
To jjoohhnn - as my article above stated - anti is good; you must first be anti something before you can institute corrective or remedial changes to the good. In America, everything good that we have today, started as an anti to things that were bad!!!
comment by oldfatguy on Sept 16, 2010 7:30 AM ()
as an Aussie -------we have plenty of tea party sorts here as well---also have 3 independents in Parliament that by voting against the government can cause a new election ---actually 1 would do it , gonna be a funny 3 years here in politics
comment by kevinhere on Sept 16, 2010 3:12 AM ()
So assuming the Tea Party can win some seats and a conservative agenda is put in place: then what? The reason why I can't deal with those people is because they are "anti ....". I doubt that they will have any interest in becoming positive just because they elect a few (or many) candidates.
comment by jjoohhnn on Sept 15, 2010 5:57 PM ()
Do you really think that Republican politicians will be any different? They've padded their bank accounts and voted against America just as much as any other party members and will continue to do so. You must be extremely wealthy in order to identify with bunch of self-serving jerks.
comment by troutbend on Sept 15, 2010 5:55 PM ()
All of my life, by working 2 - 3 jobs at a time, have at most earned $75K, and that was just recently before I retired to take up full time teaching. As for which party, they are all crooks, but public financial records prove, that a much higher percentage of democrats become multi-millionaires in much fewer years than do republicans. Also public facts, more republicans start in office as just plain working people which almost no democrats never are or ever have been - they are 90% lawyers.
reply by oldfatguy on Sept 16, 2010 7:26 AM ()

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