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Black Conservative Thought

Politics & Legal > Ho Hum

Ho Hum

Bill Clinton gave a speech on the anniversary of the Oklahoma City Federal Bldg blow up. His main theme tended to be that: “The words we use in our talk and speech really do matter.” Well for sure, of course they do! So the first thing that came into my mind was that Clinton must be dissing Minister Louis Farakhan over his years of hate filled rhetoric proclaiming that followers should kill all white people and all republicans. And perhaps he was also talking about Rev? Jeremiah Wright who wants God Damn America! Of course he had to mean Keith Olbermann, Rachal Maddow, and Chris Matthews who for eight years advocated open insurrection against the federal government. Definitely this meant the likes of Nancy Pelosi, Harry Ried, and Barney Frank whose only goal in life as democrat politicians is to permanently keep a low economic class of people in poverty and subservient to the DemLibs for more and more meager handouts. There again, I thought he surely was talking about all of the thousands of death threats against George Bush and Karl Rove, from 2001 -- 2009, repeatedly calling them war criminals and liars just for using Clinton’s own intel; all of this by the likes of Michael Moore, Sean Penn, and the many other thousands on the loony left.
Violence??? To date, the worst violence was perpetrated and committed by democrat party operatives, SEIU goon-thugs, who broke one old lady’s leg and her friend’s nose, during a political fundraiser.
Similar to DemLib Joe Kline in the New York Times, accusing Sarah Palin of sedition – talk about the pot calling the kettle black – what goes around comes around -- all throughout the late 1950s and all 1960s the KKK Democrat party of George Wallace, Bull Conner, Orville Fawbush, and J. Edgar Hoover, Robert Kennedy, etc. who used this crime of sedition against integrationist Republicans such as Martin Luther King and others from Chicago and New York who where fighting for the freedoms of the Southern African-American and fighting against Democrat Party controlled racial segretion.
Oh but no, Clinton was talking about people who are legally exercising their constitutional rights of free speech; to openly disagree with the political actions which they oppose. Mr. Obama and Mr. Clinton, what you are therefore proposing is the exact same thing, exact same actions, undertaken by Adolph Hitler in Germany beginning in the mid 1930s. ---So much for HOPE and CHANGE ?????

posted on Apr 19, 2010 2:54 PM ()

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