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Black Conservative Thought

Politics & Legal > Today


In 1963, on August 28, from the top steps of the Lincoln Memorial, on the National mall in Washington DC, a well-known and highly respected Republican―the party of civil rights and equal rights for all―gave an inspiring and awe filed speech to hundreds of thousands of people – and I was there with my family.
Today, August 28, 2010, hundreds of thousands, latest reports are over half a million, of Americans listened to somewhat well-known and want-to-be respected sort-of Republicans, whom while talking the right talk―as opposed to the pseudo-leader, egotistical, elitist Black democrats―do not usually walk-the-walk.
These so-called Black leaders are upset over the insult towards ‘racial politics,’ but to me, just the making of the real issues of race into political ‘names and games’ is the biggest insult of all.
Whatever happened to the call for justice, the call that every man―and women―woukd be judged by the content of their character, and not, by the color of their skin.
In this day and age and time, how wonderful it is to know that at least someone, somewhere, appreciates the “Country of America” with all our power and glory for good against the evils of the world―and it sure ain’t coming from the democrats.
While it is nice-nice and touchy-feely to hear the feigned words of praise for Dr. King and his message from the past, it would be much better to see and hear these words being put into action on an everyday basis throughout all of America; not just by the white media-shills, but mostly by the black-con-man scam-artists like Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson.

posted on Aug 29, 2010 3:47 PM ()


As you say, everyone should be judged by the content of their character, and there are people in both political parties who are falling short, regardless of color.
comment by troutbend on Aug 29, 2010 4:57 PM ()

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