Yesterday I was reading what had to be the number one epitome of ignorance and or stupidity! The leaders of the national democrat party, and almost all democrat politicians, none of them can figure out why, after implementing all of their great and magnanomomous programs and policies, the unemployment rate continues rising, and the number of available jobs continues decreasing.
So why is it that these morons believe that they are special and different than any other liberal in the past? Repeating the same old failed policies and programs that for the last 75 years have created more problems than they have solved ― why would they think that this one time things will work differently, for them?
Raising taxes on the independent entrepreneur business owner – the ones who hire 75% of all employee / workers, is not going to create more jobs and / or more revenue. Raising taxes ( putting more money into the government and out of the private sector) on the richest 1% of wage earners – that is, the average union employee – is not going to create a spending demand for more goods and services, just the opposite in reality.
My old mama, bless her soul, always said “Stupid is as stupid does.†Let’s get rid of all this ‘stupid’ come November! Vote for real change this time, vote out the dumb DemLibs – but don’t just blindly vote for anyone calling themselves a republican –RINO- vote for real conservative change!!!!!