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Julian's Mom

Life & Events > A Mouse in the House

A Mouse in the House

This is another one of my long winded posts about nothing, so consider yourself warned. It’s a cold, wet, dreary Sunday afternoon here in my corner of Ontario and the damp weather always makes my adhesions act up. Thankfully, a hot bath and an even hotter hot chocolate are waiting for me just as soon as I can get the little brats into bed.

Which is still several hours away. Oh dear. And I need to watch the Amazing Race. Priorities, right?

Before I go any further and you start scrolling down out of boredom and politeness, I need to ask all of you a favour. I need your help, dudes.

Those of you who know me, know that I hate mice. For those of you who don’t really know me…well, now you know. I hate mice. A lot. It is a completely irrational fear, I know and it’s silly at that, too. But I can’t help it. Mice terrify me and disgust me all at the same time. I should re-phrase that. I’m not one of those people who would go crazy if I saw a mouse in a cage or on TV or something or even if someone was holding a mouse in their hands and showed me. I just hate them in my house. I think it’s because I think of them as being dirty and sneaky. And their tails. God, I hate their tails.

Anyway! I hate mice. We’ve established that.

I have traps set around my house and in my breezeway and garage. I am very clean. I take out my garbage and compost every night. I even freeze my compost in my otherwise unused deep freezer until compost pick up day. I am a crumb and food nazi and scour the house every evening, checking to be sure there isn’t a chunk of something-or-other laying around, waiting for a feast from a mouse.

So…why do they like me so much? And exactly are they finding to eat?!

I heard one last night. I’m half deaf and I * still * heard it! It sounded like it crawled out from under the cupboard and ran out to find itself a treasure before re-treating back into it’s hole. I laid there in bed, my heart pounding and praying to God, “I’m sorry I said I hated Troy. Please, please, please God…please send Troy back to get the mouse.” I even called him. I’m not proud of that. But I was desperate! So I called him but like usual, he didn’t answer (begging the un-related question…what if something bad had happened to the kids? That dude is just about the hardest person ever to reach).

So…that’s where I need your help. I’m looking for suggestions here, folks. How can I keep mice out of my house?

And by the way…this morning ALL of the traps were empty. Hm. I guess it did find something tasty to eat and didn’t need my peanut butter. All the more reason I need suggestions on keeping them OUT.

And speaking of things that freak me out…earlier this afternoon, I was cruising through mybloggers, catching up on all of the blogs and making my ever-witty comments (ha) before finally checking my own blog out and answering some comments. Julian strolled into the room and came over to the computer desk. He stared at the monitor for a few minutes before asking, “Why are you writing about me?”

Um, yeah. I stared at him for a few moments in terror, prompting him to ask me again, “I said! Why are you writing about me?”

I still said nothing, knowing that would only incur his wrath more so, trying to think of a good answer when he said, “And why are you writing about Dr. Hameed?”

So, um, yeah. I’m scared. It was freaky enough when the kid started doing jigsaw puzzles on his own without looking at the picture on the box but this…

On another Julian-related note…I’m not sure if I mentioned on my blog that we have applied for ACSD (Assistance for Children with Severe Disabilities) funding. It has been a long, long time coming but I will save the whys and hows for another blog post another time. In any case, I filled out the application with the help of Christine, Julian’s newest worker (she is a case coordinator through Family and Children’s Services) and Mary, Julian’s oldest worker (she is an infant development worker also through Family and Children Services and has been working with Julian and I literally since he came home from the hospital in April of 2007) and they sent it in, along with an application for a grant from Easter Seals to help cover the cost of the diapers that Julian still wears.

I received a letter from ACSD telling me that my application had been received and according to Christine, that means it looks good. It will be at least another four to six weeks before we receive any funding but to be honest, I just can’t stop smiling long enough to care. This funding will be used only for Julian (obviously) and we will receive money for things like special clothing, transportation and lodging costs for out of town doctor’s appointments and, drum roll, please….respite care.

Let me say that again…we will receive money for respite care. Now it’s my turn to ask if I can get a YAY? We applied for up to six hours of respite care a week, to start, and when it comes through I will have a few options available to Julian and I. I can hire someone I know…I can send him to a nursery school…or I can choose and interview and hire someone from a case file of workers, specifically someone who will not just sit with Julian but who will work with him to help his development along, social skills, etc. Mary even said that she would be happy to do a home visit to help train a respite care worker. How awesome is that?!

Obviously I have been day dreaming about all of the ways I could use my six hours of freedom. I’m not sure I would know what to do with myself, to be honest with you (and I’m saving how weird I feel about letting someone else work with Julian for another long winded blog post. Ha) but I do believe that because of the breaks from him I get when he goes to his Dad’s, the novelty will soon wear off. Even I can only shop and drink coffee and read for so long.

So I’ve been thinking about volunteering. I’ve been playing with the idea in my mind for a little while now and I’ve seriously started to consider it. If I can co-ordinate the respite care schedule, then I would be able to commit to one day a week, to start. I think it would be good for me to get out of the house and interact with other people again, feel useful in some other context. I haven’t worked outside of the home for a couple years now (ever since Troy left and Julian started hardcore) and my how I have missed it! I’m still not able to work outside of the home, for obvious reasons (this is temporary…I tell myself every day…this is temporary) so I thought that volunteering might fill the gap.

I’ve thought about volunteering at my daughter’s school…more specifically, the library since the Ontario government long ago cut a librarian from the budget and they rely on parents to fill the gap and most parents who do volunteer aren’t interested in doing it in the library. Forgive my political incorrectness, but those moms are glory hogs who volunteer, for the most part, to be noticed. You know the type I mean…the bitches who are there to make a show but would never get down on the floor with the kids. The kinds of moms who don’t even LOOK at my kids and I when we’re all waiting for them to get out.

Okay…I can feel a full fledged rant coming on so I’m going to calm down and post this before I take someone out.

Happy Sunday everyone!

posted on Oct 24, 2010 4:07 PM ()


I read it all toooooo. Get yourself some "rat poison and put it behind the frig, stove, and anywhere else that it can be hidden - away from kids and pets. The mice will eat and leave your house to die. I put it in the attic of my garage pretty often as I see rats out there.

Glad you will be getting help with dear little Julian. Don't volunteer for anything. Use the time to pamper yourself. Take a long bubble bath, go have a pedicure or anything else that you enjoy. YOU DESERVE IT!!!!!!
comment by nenah on Oct 26, 2010 7:41 AM ()
Awww...thank you.I'm not sure I would know how to pamper myself.

The mice like my garage so perhaps I will sprinkle some poison there. They are smart little beasts, eating the peanut butter off of the trap without getting snapped.
reply by juliansmom on Oct 26, 2010 11:14 AM ()
Believe it or not, I read every word! (It's raining and I have time!)
I have mice too. Hate 'em. They keep me awake gnawing on wood (I hope not wires!). I have traps (including a metal box--in but no out), and I use poison bait. But I hate it when they die in the walls and stink for 3 days.
Hurray for some new freedom to come into you life. Enjoy!
comment by solitaire on Oct 26, 2010 7:02 AM ()
I was thinking of you when I got right to the mouse point.Having to empty the mouse traps is one of the few things I hate about being single and miss Troy for.
reply by juliansmom on Oct 26, 2010 11:17 AM ()
Sadly I had to skip most of this cuz I like mice - not in my house - but I think traps are mean. Anywho - you can get a YAY from me!!!!
comment by kristilyn3 on Oct 25, 2010 11:17 AM ()
You're right...they are mean but mice breed like crazy and we would be over run with them out here in the middle of nowhere if we didn't, um, "trap" them.Thank you for the Yay.
reply by juliansmom on Oct 26, 2010 6:24 AM ()
A cat would do wonders for the mice. Can I mail you a few kittens?
Yeah, I know, you don't like cats either. Just keep plugging the holes. Get some small scraps of plywood and cover any holes and cracks they can get through. I've had mice just remove the steelwool.
comment by crazylife on Oct 24, 2010 8:26 PM ()
I don't hate cats, exactly...I'm just much for things with fur.Plus Julian wouldn't be able to breathe. However...maybe an outside cat? We had one a few winters ago and that really cut down on the number of icky mice we had in the house. They removed the steel wool, eh? That's the scariest thing I've heard in a long time!
reply by juliansmom on Oct 25, 2010 10:54 AM ()
1. I like long winded :0) 2. OMG! We share a same irrational fear of mice and they haunt/stalk us both! I spy them everywhere and also feel like if there were a way to mouse-proof a house, I would have done it. I went as far as to call an exterminator one time and he told me quite honestly that he could fill holes and cracks for days..but they'd still find there way in. Traps didn't work for me...too slow and not very effective. It may be inhumane, but for me...it's D-con (poison). They eat it, go outside in search for water...and die...
3. Wow! So he's 3, right?, and reading? and btw...did you answer him about why you were writing about him?
comment by firststarisee on Oct 24, 2010 6:23 PM ()
I did answer him. I just said that Mommy was writing about him because she loved to talk about him. Sweet, eh? Yeah, he didn't buy it.He just kept asking me over and over and over again all freakin' night. Eventually I just plied him with "bessert" (one of my kids...can't remember which one...had trouble saying dessert and "bessert" has stuck over the years in our house).

I filled in a hole under the kitchen sink with steel wool and felt very proud of myself except it turned out to be a huge mistake because they just found a different way in...through the pantry and under the cupboards which means that I have to have a trap in the actual kitchen.Now that the weather is changing and my kids aren't outside, maybe I should try poison. I'm just always so scared of my kids...well, mostly Julian...finding it and somehow ingesting it.
reply by juliansmom on Oct 24, 2010 7:11 PM ()
I am so glad you are going to get respite care. Is Julian reading?
I hate mice too. They cause Hanta Virus and you don't need to have them
in the house. Hide D con around where the kids can't possibly find it.
comment by elderjane on Oct 24, 2010 6:04 PM ()
He also has a word search book that my mother gave him and he's always sitting with it and a marker, silently and totally happy. I'm scared to look in it and find out if he's actually circled words. I'm wondering if maybe he has just seen his name in print enough times to recognize it. Ditto with his doctor.

D-Con seems to be the general consensus so I think I will give it a try. When my husband and I were still together, we tried some kind of poison but the sneaky mice just stored it up in the basement.
reply by juliansmom on Oct 24, 2010 7:15 PM ()
Oh my goodness. You were long-winded ay. But it was a nicely scented wind!!

I have a girlfriend who also hates mice. Which I can understand, as Australian mice are ugly little creatures. We have field mice here. Much prettier. But still they get the D-Con treatment…yes it is a last resort. Ours kept stealing the tempting morsel without getting caught in the trap.

What fantastic news on the money front!! And all that it entails.

As a lover of books…I’m a on the library volunteer gig. I remember how I felt when my Mum would do volunteer work at my primary school. Plus[ pardon my forwardness] it will be something that involves only your daughters and you.
comment by kjstone on Oct 24, 2010 4:49 PM ()
No pardon needed.I'm all for things that don't include Julian. Case in point...Christine also signed both of my girls up for a Christmas party in December (there are a few perks to being poor...not many...but a few)sans their brother. She asked me if I wanted to try and take him along but I declined since I feel so strongly that it's important that they have time away from him.

I only have field mice...but I still hate them.
reply by juliansmom on Oct 24, 2010 5:24 PM ()

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