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Julian's Mom

Life & Events > I Get Flappy When I'm Happy

I Get Flappy When I'm Happy

I should really be in the bath right now.

There is some kind of awful cold going around. That's the trouble with this fall weather, no? It just breeds viruses. It's hard to hate warm, sunshine-y days but the mornings are cold and so are the nights so we're forever over or under dressing.

I can feel just the slightest bit of something or other trying to attack my immune system and I have spent much of today trying to talk myself *out* of getting sick.

I go to the doctor this Wednesday. I should get my bloodwork results as well as the ultrasoun results. I'm not really nervous. More annoyed and anxious. My best case scenario is that my uterus has prolapsed and I require surgery. I don't have time for more tests and more "investigating". My doctor hates it when I say that (last time, during a pelvic exam that wasn't going very well he told me that I had to take as good a care of myself as I do my son..he actually wagged his finger at me) but it's just the truth.

So, for as fucked up as it sounds, I'm hoping for a hysterectomy.

Tomorrow is a PA day. All three kids are home. I cancelled Julian's appointment with the OT because my friend, Sarah, who was supposed to watch my girls while I took Julian is sick. I was actually a bit relieved. I normally don't book appointments on school holidays or PA days because it tends to be too much for all of the kids, especially Julian.

Their Dad has a birthday coming up so I will take them shopping.

They have a party to go to next weekend so I will be looking for new jammies for Julian to wear. I had a big fight with Troy about said party earlier today but I'm too tired to go over the gory details.

Maybe some other day.

Before I sign off, I have a question.

What is your opinion on shirts or hoodies that in some way or another mention Autism? Good way to raise awareness or not? Good way to identify Julian in uncomfortable situations or not?

I will leave you with one I saw on Cafe Press this afternoon. I really, really, REALLY want to wear it to nursery school...


posted on Sept 25, 2011 6:33 PM ()


I like the shirt... It probably would help people understand! Although it is slightly insulting to other people and their kids.
I hope you get the news you want from the doc... waiting sucks!
comment by kristilyn3 on Oct 2, 2011 11:56 AM ()
The trouble is that the parents I would *like* to insult won't get it and I'd probably end up insulting some well meaning parents. I didn't get the funny one and instead chose a t-shirt with a puzzle piece butterfly and a simple puzzle piece and the words, "Autism Awareness" on a hoodie.I got three shirts for Julian, all of which are slightly funny.
reply by juliansmom on Oct 4, 2011 12:55 PM ()
I love the t shirts. Linda and Eric were here yesterday and Eric just loved
his visit. Linda said it was the first time he had actually sat down and
ate a meal. He was fascinated by Rex but didn't dare pet him. Eric is twenty now. Tell me where to get one of those shirts for him.
comment by elderjane on Oct 1, 2011 3:18 AM ()
CafePress.com. There are literally hundreds to choose from and they come in adult sizes.Just enter "Autism t-shirts" into the search engine.
reply by juliansmom on Oct 4, 2011 12:52 PM ()
It doesn't hurt to "advertise". I'll catch up with you in two weeks.
comment by solitaire on Sept 28, 2011 5:30 AM ()
reply by juliansmom on Sept 28, 2011 8:16 PM ()
I vote for a bumper sticker too! I have a friend who had a hysterectomy through two tiny incisions - Laparoscopic surgery? Her recovery was much faster than the traditional method and pain was minimal.
comment by catdancer on Sept 26, 2011 11:24 PM ()
I have an Autism Awareness magnet. Looks like a support the troops ribbon except that it is red, blue and yellow puzzle pieces and says Autism Awareness.

I think the procedure depends on the reason why a woman needs a hysterectomy. They can also do it vaginally, from what I understand. I will find out what the score is tomorrow morning.
reply by juliansmom on Sept 27, 2011 8:56 AM ()
Love it!
comment by crazylife on Sept 26, 2011 8:38 PM ()
I knew you would.
reply by juliansmom on Sept 27, 2011 8:57 AM ()
Glad you are back; we have all missed you.
comment by gapeach on Sept 26, 2011 4:21 PM ()
Aw, thanks.
reply by juliansmom on Sept 27, 2011 8:57 AM ()
LOL! I think it is awesome. Definitely wear it.
comment by gapeach on Sept 26, 2011 4:21 PM ()
As a bystander, I think it would be nice to know a kid has autism, it would go a long way to explain the uncomfortable situations. My cousin's two or three children are autistic, and it would have been helpful to know that BEFORE the family reunion. Not knowing this, I thought 'the great-grandmother was a crappy parent, the grandmother was a crappy parent, and now look at the mother, she's dropping the ball, too. What the heck is wrong with those kids?' Fortunately I didn't say anything, but it took three days before I was able to put together all the clues.
comment by troutbend on Sept 25, 2011 7:38 PM ()
Further suggestion that ASD is genetic.Science is leaning heavily this way already.

Thank you for you perspective. It is exactly *that* kind of situation that I was thinking of.

One of the wonderful things about being open about my son's Autism is not only the education and awareness it raises but also the commraderie I find with other parents and caregivers. Being open and unashamed helps others feel the same way.Sort of like coming out of the closet...
reply by juliansmom on Sept 26, 2011 6:38 AM ()
comment by greatmartin on Sept 25, 2011 6:55 PM ()
Awesome Martin, thank you!
reply by juliansmom on Sept 26, 2011 6:41 AM ()

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