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Julian's Mom

Life & Events > Relationships > Twenty Minutes

Twenty Minutes

Randy will be happy.

I only have twenty minutes before I have to start making an after school snack for the girls and then I have to walk a ways up the road to the bus stop to get them.

How much can I say in twenty minutes?

Unfortunately, I can usually say a LOT in twenty minutes.


I started a post about Dirk over the weekend but I could never seem to get around to finishing it. It's been hella busy around here, the start of fall marking a shift in gears. And I'm eager to get back to regular blogging, not necessarily a huge catch up post with a definitive narrative.

So, let's just stick to the basics, shall we?

He's hung.


Nah, there isn't much to say about Dirk other than he's a really good guy, all around. Very down to Earth. Good looking, but in an unassuming way. Quiet, but funny as Hell.

He's good to the kids.

They got to know him first and foremost as friends. He would sometimes be around in the afternoons when the girls were finished with camp, many times staying for a simple, summer supper.

He always helps with the dishes.

Julian likes him, for the most part. Dirk doesn't put too many expectations on Julian. They are dudes together.

The girls like him probably for the same reason.

Olivia told me near the end of summer that she could tell I was happy and that she liked me better when I was happy.

'Nuff said.

Dirk is also how I got this house.

His step dad owns it and uses it as a rental property. When the previous tenants left for bigger and better things, Dirk managed to get me in. And get me a good deal. He doesn't live here. His job is still forty minutes away, after all, but he is here a fair bit and although I *hate* to admit it, it's nice to have a man in the house. He's pretty handy and good at fixing things.

The truth is that our relationship happened so gradually and so slowly it was almost impossible to pin down when exactly we became a couple.

He told me he loved me sometime in August.

I told him I had to sit on that.

The next day, I returned the sentiment.

The beauty part was that he was totally cool with my hesitancy.

But yeah..

He's hung.


posted on Sept 20, 2011 12:42 PM ()


Wonderful for you, and how lovely to have a nice big bonus!!
comment by elderjane on Sept 21, 2011 5:37 AM ()
reply by juliansmom on Sept 21, 2011 12:14 PM ()
Elevate the positives with Dirk. Eliminate the negatives. I'm very happy for you!!
comment by solitaire on Sept 21, 2011 5:22 AM ()
Thanks.He p*ssed me off something fierce today and I think I needed to be reminded of how hung...I mean, great...he is.
reply by juliansmom on Sept 21, 2011 12:18 PM ()
comment by crazylife on Sept 20, 2011 8:09 PM ()
kids are a good judge of character so if they like him, especially Julian, then he must be golden!
comment by elkhound on Sept 20, 2011 1:52 PM ()
He's very mellow and I think that's why the kids like him. That and he tends to mellow me out, too.
reply by juliansmom on Sept 20, 2011 4:35 PM ()
You women!!!! Hey, one reason is as good as another!
comment by greatmartin on Sept 20, 2011 1:20 PM ()
True *that*.
reply by juliansmom on Sept 20, 2011 4:35 PM ()
Always good to have a well hung man!
And I love that you are happy with him and that he helps around the house and that the kids seem to like him... and he helped you get into your house and out of the ghetto... I mean, he's sounding pretty ideal from this end!
comment by kristilyn3 on Sept 20, 2011 12:48 PM ()
Kristy, I have birthed three children...the motion of the ocean isn't enough! I need a BOAT!

He has his faults,believe me, but so do I. I think I've mellowed out a lot over the years so he doesn't drive me as crazy as I might have a few years ago.
reply by juliansmom on Sept 20, 2011 4:34 PM ()

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