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Cornish Girls Life And Thoughts

Life & Events > Relationships > Grrr ... ...

Grrr ... ...

He is doing my flippin' head in!!

It's official, I am off men for life, because getting rid of them from your life is nigh on impossible.

The prat of a man is, as I type, upstairs in my bedroom, in what is now my bed sleeping. Please bear in mind that I asked him to leave two days ago.

He did go, will give him that, not very easily and under great duress, but he spet night one sleeping rough on the coldest night of the winter so far and turned up here the following morning blue and hardly able to move and stiff as a board-took him three hours just to thaw out.

He was making no effort to find anywhere to live, sort himself out in anyway whatsoever so I asked around, found him a room in a little mining town about 12 miles away, made the necessary arrangments etc and he can move in tomorrow.

Because it is so cold I, maybe stupidly, said that he could have my sofa last night, but he wasn't to come in until all of the children had gone to sleep and he had to be gone by the time that they got up this morning. Fine, he did that and then he had to go off and look at this new room and also meet his new landlady.

The prat was back here by 10.30am. WHY??? Doesn't he get it, I don't want him here any more, his mere presence is annoying the living daylights out of me, please, please go away you idiot!

I have had no space at all since I told him to go. First of all I was surrounded by all the girly's making sure that I was ok and not about to crash into some sort of jibbering wreck-check and also it was lovely of them all, but they went, the kids came home from school and then he was here all day yesterday, all night, then back again today.arghhhhh!

I reckon that he thinks that he can stay here tonight as well as the children go off with their father after school today and are not home until late tomorrow afternoon, it is soo cold that he knows that I can't see him getting hypothermia or worse and I just want him to go away and leave me alone!!

Sorry, I had to rant, this is why I love blogging so much, I find it so cathartic, but will try and calm down now.

Hope this finds you all well and take care.

posted on Oct 22, 2010 4:03 AM ()


comment by crazylife on Oct 24, 2010 8:32 PM ()
Could you leave for a few days while the kids are gone? You could tell him him and his sh*t needs to be out by the time you come home or you'll call the authorities (he doesn't need to know that they won't actually do anything...). I think you're a wonderful lady who has a warm heart and he is taking advantage of it. Give him the boot.
comment by juliansmom on Oct 22, 2010 6:13 PM ()
He is outta here at 2pm this afternoon, I can't wait-lovely days
reply by cornishlass on Oct 23, 2010 4:28 AM ()
How frustrating for you.
comment by nittineedles on Oct 22, 2010 8:56 AM ()
He should be a gonna tomorrow Jon, is moving into his own place....tell you what I nearly swung for him eariier, no respect at all!

Hey Nena, nice to meet you, the police won't do anything because he has done 'nothing wrong' in their eyes!! As above to Jon and may the next 18 hours pass very, very speedily
comment by cornishlass on Oct 22, 2010 8:38 AM ()
Call your local "bobbie". Is that what you call them. Here they are called police. Have them come and help you get him and all his junk out of your house. No one can make you do what you don' t like, except yourself. Come on, be strong !!!! Stand your ground. Lock your doors. Nenah
comment by nenah on Oct 22, 2010 8:21 AM ()
You must get him out of your life, Kate.
comment by jondude on Oct 22, 2010 6:13 AM ()

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