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Cornish Girls Life And Thoughts

Cornish Girls Life And Thoughts > Cornishlass's Comments

Cornishlass's Comments

Best handcream in the world, in my opinion, really works on my hands, couldn't recommend it more. Hope you can get it in the States, otherwise, order some online, worth it, honest.
I haven't read your whole post, will come back to it tomorrow, not feeling well, so in bed early.
Comment on It's the Little Things - Nov 7, 2010 1:10 PM ()
I would love to see her status updates-that would be worth following her for..... 'One has request her royal typist to convey that she thought that Desperate Housewives this evening was to one's satisfaction'

Comment on Her Majesty the Queen, Joins Facebook - Nov 7, 2010 6:48 AM ()
I maybe tarring with a very broad brush here, but I do believe that your country is far more into God and religion that we are over here and so, in following have far more, what I like to call religious nutters.

I could rant about religion for hours, I find it the most condesending and hypocrytical thing that we as humans partake in.

Your son in law sounds like a real twit and as far as I am concerned if he wants to go and play with his imaginary friend, then so be it!

Comment on Give God a Break - Nov 6, 2010 1:33 PM ()
I suppose being typically British, the dentist terrifies me-shake just thinking about the mouth butcher!!
We are all allowed to make mistakes like that once in a while, just wish that it was only once in a while where I am concerned.
I had an appt recently to go and donate blood, had been aware that it was coning for weeks, got to the day, COMPLETELY forgot about it until 5 mins before they closed....at least I got there in the end.
To use a well coined phrase here in Cornwall, I got there 'drekly'.
Comment on Another One of Those Days - Oct 28, 2010 11:15 AM ()
Captain Jack-phwoar

Great series, worth a look if you enjoy Doctor Who-one (more) of my tv passions-have you lot got the new doctor played by Matt Smith over there yet-now he is a honey too and makes a fabulous doctor
Comment on Torchwood: Season 1: Disc 6 - Oct 28, 2010 11:11 AM ()
I would just love to have been the one to come up with something like that-hope I still have all my marbles at that age....if I live that long !
Comment on This is What We All Need to Do! - Oct 27, 2010 3:06 PM ()
It has just been recognized over here in the UK-I don't know how much info is out there yet-my friend was just relieved to have a name put to it and have it properly labeled. I will ask her for more info or websites for you

Comment on Dead Things and Nipples and Jammies, Oh My! - Oct 24, 2010 12:35 PM ()
There is now a recognized condition with the clothes thing, isn't there?! I know another mum who's child lives with this and it can be really debilitating. I totally see where your son comes from on this one.

Great, fantastic post, which made me laugh out loud genuinely. Great imagery with the dead thing and the boobie nipples-thanks for that.

Take Care
Comment on Dead Things and Nipples and Jammies, Oh My! - Oct 24, 2010 12:15 PM ()
One of my best friends has an autistic son, he is a joy and a lovely soul-they usually are, they are the souls that can cope with living with the condition and have the strength of character to be able to show the rest of us how it is done. I digress, Tanya is a wonderful mother who, very much like yourself spends all of her time teaching and encouraging Sam to be able to cope with everyday life and he goes to spend time with his dad and it can be undone so easily. You would hope, (well probably not) that they would have enough in their child to find out how to make his/her life run easier and the best for them.
Comment on Dead Things and Nipples and Jammies, Oh My! - Oct 24, 2010 12:11 PM ()
I have the same problem with my new lappy....it keeps crashing and rebooting-only had it about 3 weeks!!
BTW I am new here, nice to meet you
Comment on My Computer is on the Blitz - Oct 24, 2010 11:57 AM ()
Wow. You did need to blog, didn't you!!

What a great, diverse read, can relate about the chatterbox at work, every where has them, they annoy the bejesus out of me and are generally gossips.

The kids, do well, doesn't it make your heart swell with pride when you find out how well they are doing at school-have to confess to having 3 geniuses here as well, got to love em all

Comment on Blogging in My Head - Oct 24, 2010 11:53 AM ()
I think that we all have days like that, sometimes weeks in my case, but just remember that tomorrow is a new day and you never know what that is going to bring
Yep, agreed with elderjane, blogging can really help, writting it down can be very cathartic, especially on a site where you feel comfortable and amongst 'friends'.
Comment on Some Days Are Golden… - Oct 24, 2010 11:45 AM ()
Hobbes, you are incredible cat,,,,your daddy should be very proud of you-imagine a cat blogging and having a fb page, wow, I am impressed
Comment on Snoozin ... - Oct 24, 2010 11:41 AM ()
Hope you had a great time and your needles didn't catch on fire whilst you were knitting so furiously in the car!!

What did you have for dinner..anything yummy ??

Comment on Biding My Time - Oct 24, 2010 11:39 AM ()
Awww, that is really sad Beautifully written though.
Comment on Past My Prime - Oct 22, 2010 8:52 AM ()

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