I abhore birthday parties and dread them when they come up for my two little ones This is going to sound awful but it is very rarely that I lke other peoples children, they are spoilt, jumped up brats, but of course, mine are angels Take care xxx
I cannot knit-anything apart from holes...my mum and gran tried to teach me, but to no avail. Wish I could though My mum had a pet fox when she was a teenager called Uffa, that is a great shot of it, do wel
What a great read. One forgets that all these things have had to be invented and tend to take these things for granted. With me I guess it is technology that has been the big things in my lifetime-including the internet where I can talk to people all over the world Thanks for that, take care xxx
He should be a gonna tomorrow Jon, is moving into his own place....tell you what I nearly swung for him eariier, no respect at all!
Hey Nena, nice to meet you, the police won't do anything because he has done 'nothing wrong' in their eyes!! As above to Jon and may the next 18 hours pass very, very speedily xxx
Hallo Jon and thankyou so much for guiding me here, I am sort of finding my way around the site and hope to make some good friends on here coz I do miss the old crew on Zero's. The best thing that you can do is learn to say no, advice I wihs that I could follow, but am not very good at it. Big hugs winging their way across the channel, try and keep your pecker up hon, xxxx
He reckons that he is going to go camping locally, but I hope that he soon gets bored of that and move on. The closer he is, the more likely I am going to crack and feel sorry for him, it is freezing right now! Thankyou for all of your support and it is great that I was directed to this site as it seems to be just what I am looking for xxx
Thankyou, me too xxx
This was much valued sunday viewing when it was on originally on the BBC in this household and have since watched the whole series again since it has been replayed on our equivilent of cable over here in the UK. Great, amusing, charming viewing sutible for all the family with characters that you can do nothing but fall in love with xxx
That is fab...love it xxx
I think we may be soul sisters-lol. I love NIcholas Cage, not quite to your point of obsession, but he really is a cream cake . I am a single mum of three as well and my guilty pleasure is America's Next Top Model (even though I am from the UK), I have downloaded all 15 season's of it and it is my pure escapism and guilty pleasure in my life. I have to admit to having a bit (!) of a crush on Dr House-Hugh Laurie, he is just so, so damn sexy. This is the other show that I have watched until the cows come home, in fact I watch an episode every night to go to sleep to. Love his voice. I feel your pain of the seperation with the children. My ex husband has the two little ones every weekend, they are very close in age, little monkeys, run me ragged but when dad comes to get them I am missing them within half an hour and can't wait for them to come home the following weekend. Great blog, really enjoyed the read. xxx
Thankyou all xxx
Aww, he is such a cutie :) We have a dog but I still find cheerios in more places than should be xxx
Take care