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Life & Events > Happy Christmas Eh??

Happy Christmas Eh??

This isn't some sort of role playing post, I just want a sort of rant about the expense of this daft time of year and the fact that I just don't know where to stop.

So this is where I am at. As you may or may not know yet, I am a single mum to three children. Be it, or be it not my fault, my children expect alot from the big FC, there is just NO cheap way for me to do this. They have also had some truely awful christmas's because of their father or other circumstances and I am a bit of a child and want to make it perfect for them, come what may.

So here is what I have done so far. My eldest, who is 14 and such a help to me wants an i-touch thingy, the new one with a camera, which hasn't, even at the bottom of the range, given any change from £200. She has got one, but I know that I can't stop there, ok, I won't go too much further, but she needs a stocking and other bits under the tree to open. You may say not, but my birthday is 4 days before christmas and I either ended up either with a joint present or one big present and NOTHING else to open at all.

My little ones are getting a bike each, which I am going halves with, with their father, and this is 'only' costing me £110 for the two of them. So I have started buying them other bits, which I have already lost track of, but in reality, with the cost of everything these days, is already mounting up to a fortune, and I know I haven't finished yet, by a long way.

This isn't some sort of role playing post, I just want a sort of rant about the expense of this daft time of year and the fact that I just don't know where to stop.

So this is where I am at. As you may or may not know yet, I am a single mum to three children. Be it, or be it not my fault, my children expect alot from the big FC, there is just NO cheap way for me to do this. They have also had some truely awful christmas's because of their father or other circumstances and I am a bit of a child and want to make it perfect for them, come what may.

So here is where I am at, very much so far. My eldest, who is 14 and such a help to me wants an i-touch thingy, the new one with a camera, which hasn't, even at the bottom of the range, given any change from £200. She has got one, but I know that I can't stop there, ok, I won't go too much further, but she needs a stocking and other bits under the tree to open. You may say not, but my birthday is 4 days before christmas and I either ended up either with a joint present or one big present and NOTHING else to open at all.

My little ones are getting a bike each, which I am going halves with, with their father, and this is 'only' costing me £110 for the two of them. So I have started buying them other bits, which I have already lost track of, but in reality, with the cost of everything these days, is already mounting up to a fortune, and I know I haven't finished yet, by a long way.

You cannot, for love nor money, buy anything anymore, that does not look like cheap tat, for less than a tenner.

I do know that I am over-comprimising. Until my friend Paul's mum died 3 years ago, she used to spend probably than I did, on each on them for christmas. This mean't, that when they got up on christmas morning, that the pile of presents waiting for them was HUGE! It became the norm for them. I know that I cannot compete, but I have to in some sort of way, especially with the little ones, they still have the magic, they still believe and as much as I have tried telling them that FC is also hit by the recession, they still expect.

The cost of the christmas food also does my head in. I know I can start, if I can, getting some non-perishables in, which I will do over the next few weeks, but onto the day itself by the time you have got in a turkey (price of gold in this country!), all the trimmings, the starters, the puddings, the cheeses, the pate's, the chocolates and the nibbles, the crackers, the decorations that need replacing, the cost of the electric for the month, with all of the extra lights on, which make all of the difference, and the cooking of the christmas meal itself, which takes all day, because everybody in the country is cooking this huge meal at the same time, so it takes twice as long, and then the coming together of it and then the washing up etc afterwards, may as well give up now!!

By my liberal guessing here, I am down about £1500 just for one day, sort of, a year, without even taking into account my presents for my birthday or christmas (yep, guess I am going without again). I am stuffed....

Hope they enjoy it!!


posted on Nov 14, 2010 11:44 AM ()


I find myself in exactly the same predicament every year. Here is what I do.

Take a good, deep breath. Then take another one. It is only once a year. And somehow or other, we manage to pull it off every other year, right?I often buy little things that my children need and use them as the little extras under the tree (I have to overcompensate for a Daddy, too) like soaps and bubble bath and even toothbrushes. That helps cut down the cost somewhat. I gave up the big meal long ago and my kids didn't miss it. Will your ex go half on the i-phone thingy? I adopted the motto, "pride never buttered any bread" a while ago and now hit Troy up for extra all the time.

Take another deep breath. I feel for you.
comment by juliansmom on Nov 15, 2010 11:14 AM ()
I know what you mean about the birthday business...mine is 12/17. Bad time to have a birthday. You are right about everything being so damn expensive. As a single Mother to three, I don't know how you do it. I don't have that problem as my "kids" are 46 and 41. I just cringe when I get to the checkout at the grocery store, it's just insane how everything seems to increase in price around the holidays.
comment by gapeach on Nov 14, 2010 6:53 PM ()
Catalogues and credit are my best friends at this time of year, and end up paying for it up until about August!!
reply by cornishlass on Nov 15, 2010 2:39 AM ()
It's a good rant. I know how you feel, it seems like you can't go part way on the gifts and the celebration, it's all or nothing. Since our Thanksgiving aka Turkey Day is so close to Christmas a lot of people here have a beef roast or even ham on Christmas Day, but that ends up costing the same as a turkey.
comment by troutbend on Nov 14, 2010 12:43 PM ()
Sorry, just panicking a bit!
reply by cornishlass on Nov 14, 2010 1:12 PM ()

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