Scarlett O'Dawg


Scarlett O'Dawg
Chattanooga, TN
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Going With The Wind

Life & Events > Stuff I've Learned in 39 Years

Stuff I've Learned in 39 Years

I'll be the first to admit I don't know everything, but there are some things I've learned to be true and I'd like to pass on this wealth of knowledge.  Hang on to your hats, folks, this could be mind-boggling!
1. A parking space near a buggy (cart) return is better than one at the front door at Wal*Mart.
2.  A person who pats you on the back often has a knife poised to penetrate your trusting skin.
3.  A dog will love you when you own kinfolk don't.
4.  Hubby says I snore. That tells him I'm lying there beside him instead of out running around doing God knows what. He has earplugs and knows how to use them!
5.  Hot dogs or a bologna sandwich on the front porch is better with a friend than a steak eaten at the table with an enemy.
6.  After 12 hours on the job my feet hurt, my back aches and my mind is beyond tired. But I have a job. Some people don't.  I will take Motrin and a hot bath and be thankful.
7.  Some people don't write blogs often but when they do I read them with joy and gladness!  I miss them when they are gone for a while, but I understand the need for time to rest.
8.  Never trust someone who begins a sentence with, "I'm telling you the honest-to-God's-truth when I tell you...".  They are usually lying.
9.  Riding a roller coaster with you grandgirl is more fun than a ride in a brand new Camaro! When she says, "Oh! Let's go again!" know memories are being stored up in that little heart.
10.  Last one.  No matter how bad our gov'ment is, no matter if I agree or disagree with the President, no matter if I do sing the National Anthem slightly off key...America is my country and I am thankful to have been born here!
OK, so I am a little older than 39. Shut up Grumpy! I can claim that age for as long as I wish.  Some days I'm 7, some days I'm 70. During my life I have learned and continue to learn lessons that do not come from a book. Those are the ones that get me going and keep me on the right track.
I sit here and click keys that post words that will be read by people I only know via this medium. I am thankful for each one who takes time to read the ranting of this Southern Belle.
Mz Scarlett...enjoying life here and trying to make a difference in the world while traveling through.

posted on May 30, 2009 12:59 PM ()

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