We put on the dog! (Hillbilly for 'we put on quite an elegant spread'). We had 'possum and grits, taters and cole slaw, baked beans (whoooeeeee, remind me to ask Uncle/half-brother Zeke to skip them the next time!), and corn squeezins right outta the jug! We had fresh churned butter and fried chicken. Maw stuffed a pillow with the feathers right afore the chicken went into the skillet. Ain't no body seen the pig lately, but the ham was mighty good. Them buscuits was light as a whisper and disappeared in a snap.
We danced and sung songs and had a high ole time. Great Aunt/second cousin-twice-removed Sally was the hit of the night when she show us how to square dance. That old gal has still got some moves in her!
Sometime before it got too late and we wuz afeared the law would come (nearly 'bout 9 O'Clock) the party wound up and we all went to the barn and hit the hay. I woke up snuggled next to a little calf and I think one of the other couzins is now engaged to the mule.
Just though I'd share a little bit of my family reunion with ya'll. I'm the one in the yeller dress and we still ain't got no idea who the feller is holding the pitchfork.
Looking forward to the next funeral/wedding!
Mz Scarlett's hillbilly cuzin' Lilly-Pearl