I am not a morning person. Oh well. I have to work one stinking day and then I'm off for two. I shouldn't complain...but being me and knowing how good I am at it, I shall whine and complain and snort and stomp. I work Monday, Tuesday and Friday's. Before you throw something at me, let it be known I work 12 hour shifts. 7-freaking-am till 7-freaking-pm. Waaa, waaaa, waaaaa.
But after tomorrow...on Saturday I'm going to take the grand girls to see "Beverly Hills Chihuahua". That should put me back on the "Miss Sunshine" list. I told them movie popcorn causes pimples and soft drinks will poison your bladder. Heh! Saves me a few dollars there! I'll smuggle in Gummy Bears and Snickers. If I can find my big bag I'll grab a few juice cartons, too.
Oh I am a sap. I buy the popcorn and Minute Maid Cherry stuff and we all laugh and have a wonder time.
Right now, thought...color me snarling blue.