Yesterday we brought Mom-in-law home from the hospital/rehab unit. She appears to be as fit as a fiddle...whatever that means. Her heart is doing OK for one that's been beating for 83 years. Her broken arm seems to be healing...for one that's been used extensively for 83 years. She is home. Not at my home or a nursing home or in a half-way house for strange women (!) but at her home. Whew! I love that woman but couldn't live with her nor let her live with me. I did spend the night to get her "settled" in and make arrangements for follow up appointments, Rx filled and replaced the groceries that have grown strange stuff during the three weeks she has been gone. I can sleep in MY bed tonight!
Yesterday my Baby Brother called and invited me to lunch today. HEY! Bro is paying??? Could I have possibly said 'no'??? Just him and me. Lunch at the place I would choose. Wayyyy too cool!!
I should have known something was up. I know this wonderful man and his thought process which is a scary thought in itself. He and I have a wonderful relationship and are great friends as well as siblings. His wife and two teenage children are just added blessings. It's not often we get to be together just the two of us. Middle brother is....uh...'busy' at the moment.
I heard the sound of his car when he pulled off the road onto my long driveway. Hmmm. Didn't sound like his van. Didn't sound like the old Chevelle he recently completed restoring. Wasn't his truck. It didn't even sound like his '88 BMW convertable that rides like a well oiled machine. Nope. This sound was different. I looked out the window to see his 6 ft. 3 in. bald self emerge from a steel gray '07 Mustang GT. His grin must have taken up the whole front seat! Lord have mercy, I wish I was his insurance agent!!
He mentioned a few weeks ago that he had a "Mustang itch". I knew then that somewhere there was a car fixing to find a new home.
I tossed my purse in the back seat, fastened the seat belt and we took off toward Lookout Mountain where the roads just beg for a wonderful ride. Not a cloud in the sky and the temperature was a balmy 83. We took the curves like the mountain belonged to us and was an extention of the car. It still had that "new car" smell that should be packaged and sold as expensive perfume. We laughed and talked and remembered our childhood when times were carefree and we didn't have to be adults. We talked about how special the bond is between brothers and sisters and how much love is alive and well in our clan.
We ended up at my favorite Mexican restaurant and ate chips and salsa and drank sweet iced tea and continued our time just being ourselves as we waited for the main course to be served.
Good food, good conversation, loved brother. A ride in his new 'toy'.
Days like this are special. Brothers like him are special. I'm thankful for both!
He slipped a card in my hand that is to be opened tomorrow and as he drove out of sight he was heard to utter the words that have such special meaning: Love ya, Sis!
Love ya...yep, that is what is takes to make for a really good day.
Mz Scarlett...having a sunny day! Hope you are, too.