Scarlett O'Dawg


Scarlett O'Dawg
Chattanooga, TN
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Going With The Wind

Life & Events > The Camero

The Camero

Lovely Saturday in the beautiful hills of North Georgia.  Warm weather, white puffy clouds floating gently across the sky.  And it was my birthday!  The best surprise was a chat with The Grumpy Himself!  Have life is now complete.  We talked about lots of stuff and the subject of cars came about.
Cars. Better than Viagra for most men.  Much more expensive, too!  We talked about the used car lot Hubby and I call our driveway.
There is his truck.  Then of course my Beetle. We have a '53 Buick that is in various stages of restoration.  Then there is the Camero.
It is a teal blue 1992 with T-tops. We bought it several years ago when our daughter and son-in-law decided to sell it to purchase a more suitable family car that would accomidate a baby seat.
That was like de-ja-vou all over again.  Many years before we owned a 1968 Camero. When I found out that we were going to become a family instead of a care-free couple...well, the rest is painful history.  Hubby decided to sell the Camero for a more family-suitable car. I usually at this point in the rememberance walk over and punch his arm.  I really liked that car.
Anyway...we told daughter we wanted first chance to buy the Camero if they ever decided to sell.  This one would stay in the family, unlike the '68 that found a new home somewhere else. (Excuse me, I've got to go punch Hubby in the arm.)  One fine day we wrote a check and the Camero found a home with us.
It has had a new paint job, redone interior and the usual requirements for the upkeep of a fine machine.  I love to take the T-tops out and ride through the mountains.  It won't handle the curves like the Beetle does, but then it is a "high performance" saith my Hubby. Still it is a fun car.
I found a picture of one just like it so you will know what Grumpy was talking about.
I have other...uh, collections that we won't talk about right now.  Let's just say I ain't no teapot lady and the sliver spoons from each state holds no interest for me.
Mz Scarlett....the Camero that lives with us:

posted on Apr 25, 2009 6:27 PM ()

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