Today is Good Friday. The day most businesses and schools and our own government declares a holiday.
If you are not a Christian and I respect your right to not be one as much as you should respect my right to my beliefs, this day has no meaning to you. To me, it is very significant.
However, to one who is a Believer today means the day someone died a horrible death after a beating that most people do not survive, had injustices that would have turned most people free because of the illegal trials and basically was treated as the most vile human on Earth. He did so without a word. He died on a cross. This was the worst death sentence anyone could have. It was reserved for the worst criminals and was cause for public celebration. The people of that era were quick to carry out a sentence. No one was placed on parole or allowed to have several trials in hopes some attorney could find the loop hole to make his client free.
He was placed in a borrowed tomb because he had no worldly possessions...not even a place to lie after death mercifully ended his suffering. He knew he would not need it long.
In those days it was custom for the master of the table to be taken care of during a meal by the servents of the house. Meals were often long and included many courses. If the master had to excuse himself for a bit he would fold his napkin and place it by the plate indicating he would soon return. The servents would know he was not finished. If he was through eating and ready to depart and call this meal finished, he would crumple his napkin and toss it aside. The servents would then know the master was finished and could proceed to clean up the table.
On the third day his followers came to the tomb to annoint the body with sweet smelling perfumes and mourn the loss of this friend and teacher. To their amazement, he was not there! His grave clothes were tossed aside. But there was one significant piece of material that was different. The napkin used to cover the face of the deceased was neatly folded and lying at the head of the slab of rock. He gave them this sign! He was not finished and would come again!!
Easter. The holiday we as Christians celebrate because of that man and his promise.
Mz Scarlett...thankful for the folded napkin!