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Politics & Legal > Socialized Medicine is it Really Worth it to You?

Socialized Medicine is it Really Worth it to You?

Bed shortages mean parents face
140-mile trip to see newborn triplets at THREE different hospitals

Last updated at 19:20pm on 18th March 2008

When Amee German gave birth to triplets, she and husband
Andrew knew they'd have their work cut out.

But what they hadn't expected was a 140-mile round trip to visit their children.

A lack of beds is the reason why the newborns had to be placed in three
different hospitals.

Scroll down for more...

Visiting time: Amee and Andrew on their wedding day. The couple face having to
visit three hospitals to see their children

The triplets were born eight weeks premature at the Rosie Maternity Unit in
Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge, but there was only one available bed at the
stretched special care unit.

The other two babies were taken to special care baby units at Hinchingbrooke
Hospital, in Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire, and the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in
King's Lynn, Norfolk.

Full article here!
Make sure you go down so you
can read all the comments from people currently living under socialized

So this is what
you guys really want? I think our government is far more corrupt than
theirs yet they have no beds. I find it interesting that below in the
comments in pink that there are complaints of people from other countries using
their national health care raising the prices and we already have that problem
without national used health care. We have plenty of illegal immigrants
who use our emergency rooms for free daily which does cause a rise in health
care costs imagine what it will be like when that money is coming out of your

Then if you continue to read it seems like communism
defiantly has control. You see communism is a good idea in general, the
idea of communism, is that everyone basically is given the same, a classless
society where everyone is taken care of. The problem is not in the idea in
fact some people do choose to live this way and it could in fact be a utopias. I
the reason it doe snot work is because capitalism runs in human blood. We
want more and all communist governments fail because they become corrupt by
capitalist leaders. This same concept seems to have happened with socialized
medicine here the "ruling elite" have access to the best possible healthcare
while the working class guy has to wait and wait and wait some more.

I once said I would probably vote for Obama this
election but I am sorry I have to take that back. i cannot vote to do this
to our country. With McCain I might be voting for more taxes just as I
would be were I to vote for Hillary or Obama but I cannot vote for this kind of
travesty. I would much rather see a system in place like Massachusetts has where
every one must have health insurance. If, on a national level, every one
HAD to have health insurance the government could pull the subsidies it
currently has to provide the insurance companies in Massachusetts and turn the
health care system into an open market and break the big business monopoly of
healthcare. If this were done it would become a competitive market like auto
insurance where the insurance companies had to fight to please the consumer and
offer attractive deals for you to go with them. I am sure there are people
here as old as my mom who can remember when auto insurance was too expensive to
own and it was not the law. The prices have plummeted just as they would for
health care if only the government would take control by this simple measure
instead of pandering to the insurance companies or entertaining the idea of a
poorly devises national healthcare.

  • For the umpteenth time Britain
    only has four beds per 1000 head of population and we are down at position
    48 in the league table of beds per capita of population. For the fifth
    wealthiest nation in the world that is an appalling indictment of the way in
    which our NHS is run and mismanaged and explains why so many of us have to
    wait 18 weeks to see a consultant, 18 weeks to be moved to a list for tests
    and procedures and then another 18 weeks to have problems dealt with. Oh,
    and if you are moved from one consultants list to another then the process
    begins all over again.

  • This is just a sign of what is
    happening in our health service. Overstretched, lacking money, staff etc, I
    know of someone who went into labour in Cornwall (albeit false at the time)
    and was told she would probably have to go to Somerset as there were no
    beds. Also I was told of a Polish woman who was bringing her daughter over
    here to have her baby and then she was going home again. This has got to
    stop as we cannot have the same service if we went to their countries. Our
    NHS is being abused by people from other countries. If I go to live in Spain
    or France from my understanding I can get basic medical care (E111) but have
    to take out private medical insurance. I am so glad that I had my children
    in the 70s! as I really sympathise with mothers who are in this position.

  • This sort of thing will continue
    while the ruling elite have access to the best possible healthcare. They
    couldn't care less about the rest of us, so long as the moronic proportion
    keeps voting for them. It's time for a change.

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posted on Mar 21, 2008 6:23 AM ()


Oh no, I was going to reply, but another time. Health Care in America is simply dead and I'll slay this in yet another post on the coming Health Care Disaster in America...if we ever finally do get universal health care, we'll be the last industrialized country to do so. I disagree...
comment by strider333 on Mar 21, 2008 10:08 PM ()
Socialized medicine, like communism, is a utopian ideal, which in theory is perfect - accept for human involement. Being old and black, I am sure that I would just be carted off to some corner to die unseen - free health care??? At least here, there is real "free" health care for those in need. It might be delayed, cold, and impersonal, but I do not believe that anyone has ever been totally turned away at any of our city health facilities.
comment by oldfatguy on Mar 21, 2008 2:15 PM ()
We have Bed shortages here now. I have experienced them in Kentucky and in Delaware now. That is not really something contained to "socialized" medicine or not. If a facility is trying to make money, sometimes they Admit patients they don't really need to, or keep them longer than they should, or keep them until certain staff come in (after the weekend, because staffing the weekend is more expensive) before they get certain Diagnostic procedures.

Still, we rank I believe it was 35th in the world in our health care, behind the nation that you are pointing out the criticisms of.

So why is the Health care that is provided to congress "socialism" when it is applied to us, when it reduces corporate expendatures by providing at no cost to the business a healthy workforce that does not require the company to provide for their healthcare? How is this system, applied to Healthcare, more socialism than say our tax dollars used as subsidies to non-US or international corporations who pay no or reduced taxes in the private sector to provide other infrastructure needs?
comment by ekyprogressive on Mar 21, 2008 1:58 PM ()
yes,the health plan in MA is working out real well there.
I feel the same way about the candiates,maybe will vote for
a third party.Ron Paul?
comment by fredo on Mar 21, 2008 10:56 AM ()
I have no reason to complain about our current system--because I am considered ;medically needy' I don't pay for any doctor/specialists/hospitals--I only pay a co-pay of $2.25 for a prescription--I get free round trip transportation for all appointments--I know I am the exception but still I get the best care--yes, someone else is absorbing my costs but I am sure a workable means of health care for everyone is not a dream
comment by greatmartin on Mar 21, 2008 9:38 AM ()
Yes, this is a good post.
comment by angiedw on Mar 21, 2008 8:24 AM ()
I don't know what the answer is, but changes need to be made. I have had to change my prescriptions because I could not afford the monthly fee. So now I take two that don't work as good but at least I can afford them. When I was sick I knew I could not afford the co-payment to go to the doctor, let alone whatever she would prescribe for me. In this country health care should not be so unaffordable.
comment by elkhound on Mar 21, 2008 7:59 AM ()
If I had continued to reside in the USA, I would have died 17 years ago. Medical insurance costs at least double from anywhere else. Forty-three millions don't have any. There is little respect for human life. The AMA limits the number of doctors, so they can charge ridiculously high fees.
The insurance and pharmaceutical industries make obscene profits at everyone's expense.
The medical profession uses the old red-baiting propaganda inoperative since the Berlin Wall.
The quality of government-sponsored health care varies greatly among nations. Since I live in Israel, I take her as an example.
All figures reflect the recent decline of the dollar. The basic $17 monthly fee covers my basic clinic and hospital fees. Catastrophic illnesses are covered by an additional $8 monthly. This would pay my way at the old people's home should I require it.
Most prescription medicines run $2 to $5 for a thirty days' supply.
Since I can save most of my $1000 month pension, I live better than the majority of Americans.
comment by bumpedoff on Mar 21, 2008 7:51 AM ()
Very interesting post. How does Canada work their healthcare?
comment by pecan on Mar 21, 2008 7:20 AM ()
To a degree it is already here. ex:
My best friend went into the hospital last month for a "fever of unknown orgin." She got worse, liver enzymes went sky high. Each 12 hours a new "hospitalist - {a doctor who is employed by the hospital.} came by, read her case and put in his two cents. SIX days later she was hallucinatingg, and still very sick. The GI doc she works for came in, and ran one test. She had histoplasmosis of the lungs. Started an IV with ampha-terrible ( nick name of the drug) and she went home 4 days later. I was so upset when the hopsitalists were treating her. ( the first blog I ever wrote on blogster some 4 or 5 years ago was about this very thing.) Good post Holly.
comment by cindy on Mar 21, 2008 7:10 AM ()

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