I am mostly brain dead this morning and have been for three days, arg. There just is not an idea in my head! I know my friend Elkhound said she sent me a tag and I really really would like to do it because I am in fact brain dead for the moment and it would be easier just to ask questions right now! See I am blank enough that I cannot even find that!
Anyway, in my numbness I did find this guys blog called weird news and really like some of the stories he has on there so you aught to check it out! I just stumbled on to it and below are excerpts from the site:
Daniel Thompson, 31, was so upset by the sex, profanity and violence in movies today that he opened a video store in Orem, Utah, offering major Hollywood films but with the objectionable parts manually removed. Hollywood studios got a court order shutting down the store in December because of copyright infringement, and in January, Thompson was arrested after police said he paid two 14-year-old girls for sex. [Salt Lake Tribune, 1-25-08]
Miss Fayetteville (N.C.) 2007 Jenna Walters is scheduled in court in April to answer for her November arrest in which police said she had veered recklessly through traffic in Southern Pines, N.C., in order to harass driver Angela Thomas. She pulled in front of Thomas, blocked her path, then got out, screaming and taunting the woman, but then quit and drove off, only to return moments later from the other direction, bump Thomas' car and resume screaming, then left but returned yet again, bumped Thomas' car from behind and yelled some more. In the 2006 Miss Fayetteville pageant, Walters was voted Miss Congeniality. [Fayetteville Observer, 2-2-08]