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Jobs & Careers > Amerigobard Little Pecan or Colossal Coconut?

Amerigobard Little Pecan or Colossal Coconut?

Okay my friend. You finally got my attention and I am not sure how much longer I will be able to call you friend if you to insult, belittle and demean me. I am sure you will say that you did not do that to me well you did indirectly. You see I like you and my Johnny hates you because he sees you as a conspiracy theorist without a theory. I just saw you as some one like Mel Gibson in the movie conspiracy theory and maybe you will one day get your conspiracy but it is not the republicans taking over blogster to prevent anti-bush sentimentality. Then again even if it were it is a privately owned blog site and they have the right to do as they wish. See I did see you as a harmless pecan.

Your ridiculous attacks on Johnny make me sad and make me see how flawed all of the theory’s you have given must actually be. Your writing is full of assumptions that are in essence all lies which make you the worst kind of media. This is a blog right, media right with the potential of reaching millions of people? So as usual I will take the time to disassemble lies. I did this on blogster too but with someone else.

Now pause for a minute because I know you are going to say “Well he attacked me!” Actually what he did was comment on Vladimir’s blog about how he REALLY felt about you. He does not sugar coat anything for anyone. You are no exception and all of his assumptions about you were made as a direct result of things you wrote. Though I am sure I will get to that down the road.

Now let’s first address the assumption that Johnny never leaves the country? Where did you derive that information from? Does he need to come here and blog about it to make it real? I know he has, his friends knows he has and I know of several people in the UK and Amsterdam amongst other places who know he has. Do you think his, “Job-That-Leaves-Leaves-You-Dissatisfied” is limited to the United States? His brand of deviation sells world wide.

Now lets address this, “Mr. Dishes-Out-Innane-Remarks-But-Whines-Like-A-Baby-Because-You're-Stuck-in-a-Job-That-Leaves-Leaves-You-Dissatisfied” I suppose you mistake his opposition to your brand of thinking as, “whining” however I have never heard him whine in my life or read it for that matter. However that is what he sees you doing, frequently whining by definition is:

1. To utter a plaintive, high-pitched, protracted sound, as in pain, fear, supplication, or complaint.
2. To complain or protest in a childish fashion.
3. To produce a sustained noise of relatively high pitch: jet engines whining.

Now while I say I have never seen nor heard him do these things I would like to know if you do?

Well now lets address this job dissatisfaction you claim he suffers from I would like to know where you draw that “FACT” from since he does exactly what he loves to do, travels as I noted in another blog, gets paid the big bucks for it and basically has a very full circle job that he loves and he can capitalize on his special brand of personality disorder.
Lets get another myth about Johnny out of the way here, *psst* he is not from the south he moved here because I live here and I am not from here either!

As far as his political leanings are concerned perhaps you should read to figure out what the are instead of assuming and while we have never been bothered with, “paranoid government spooks” one of the many things he does is speak out publicly about free speech, for various organizations he belongs to, on the radio, on his political website and he does this in America for America.

You see while our politics are different we do believe one fundamental truth the only ones who can change America is Americans and the best way to accomplish this is to embrace your country and try to make a difference. Another truth: the best way to change it is to live in it.

Now concerning Vladimir, does his absence really mean he is cowardly and hiding from your comments? I highly doubt it. That man can stand up to many attacks. Could it be that he has a family, a job and a life he must attend to and perhaps mybloggers is something he does in his free time and maybe he just does not have that time to spare for you right now, kinda like Johnny who cannot come here very often because only half his life is spent in front of a computer. I know you sit selfishly waiting for his comment but you just might have to wait for him to have time to spare for you.

I am dissecting that comment of yours on his blog in order, are you following. Now see you said, “I manage money I made honestly, Johnny.” I am not sure what you are implying here that you do not use your family’s money or that the way Johnny makes his money is dishonest. So, I will address both. You see when he reads blogs he retains details and he pointed this one out to me , this comment from one of your Blogster blogs where you said something to the effect of , you were glad you had your family’s money to fall back on. No one missed that. While that may have been just that one instance or whatever explanation you will undoubtedly give. You did say it and there is no question about that. That makes it a fact in “their” minds because you said it. While I am still willing to believe you worked and quite possibly invested it does not change what you yourself said.

If this is not what you meant and you were attempting to say that his money is somehow dishonest I would like you to explain that because nothing he does is illegal and everything he does is consensual. So are you again assuming here or do you really believe your money is better and greener?

You keep saying “sadist” this and “sadist” that as if you are throwing around some razor sharp barbed weapon capable of taking someone out with one blow but I am not getting it. That is just a fact, just as much of a fact as one of his tier diagnosis’s as a sociopath is. Why aren’t you tossing that one out? He claimed it and shared it. Is it because most world leaders both historically and currently not to mention loved and hated have displayed all or most symptoms of being as such? Both conditions Sadism and sociopathic are just words give to describe personality traits just as I am sure you have many as well. Everyone does. No matter who you are if you walk into a psychiatrists office you will leave with a diagnosis and ultimately all that diagnosis is the way a professional puts who you are into words. So to attempt to insult him for being a sadist or me for being a masochist or East Kentucky Progressive for being gay would be the same thing is jumping around screaming at Johnny “You have black hair! No, no you really do! You have black hair! Look in the mirror! You have Black Hair! HA! HA! HA! I got you really do have black hair!” Silly isn’t it?

Now here is the real kicker. This is what really sent me right over the fucking edge with you my friend. Now you know I generally stay out of Johnny’s arguments, that is not to say he does not get into mine, but this generally happens because we do not see eye to eye on everything and he really hates it when people insult me particularly when it is undeserved. (I really love this over protective trait of his when it comes to me.) You see though when you decide to insult people, pointedly insult them you had better check your list of friends to make sure this crucial attack on ones dignity is not an affront to someone you call a friend as you did with me.

Enjoy helping people masturbate over the phone, Johhny ... what a contribution to society ... all of your impotent attacks are simply confirmation that you secretly hate your life ...

You're jealous because I banked my coin after working hard, and left the Untied States of America.

How can you call me a friend and say that shit? How can you have dared make the comments on the many blogs I have written and then say this? Where exactly was your head when you wrote that? Or is this how you feel about me and all the intelligent, creative, successful men and women working in the adult industry? Why would he, we us be jealous of anything you have done? Could you perhaps be jealous of a man almost half your age who I would guess probably makes as much as you? How can you assume him to be jealous of anything you have done? Are you jealous because you assume he makes his money the easy way? Well let me tell you when he viciously informs those that call him on the telephone of exactly what he thinks of them until they cry that is the gravy of what he does. That is the easy part. I am the one who has phone sex not him. Know what you are talking about before you spout off at the mouth. I am the one who masturbates men on the phone he could care less if they do or not. They make him sick and they know it and he knows it and he tells them so just as he does you for free.

By telling him he does not contribute to society you say the same thing to me because you are saying that based on the fact that he, “helps people masturbate over the phone.” So in fact you are only making that statement about me the person you claimed as a friend.

So your big contribution to America is running from it like a girl.

Finally, the title of his blog, the title you told him kindly to reshuffle, you know the one? Well Johnny and I made a bet that you would point out the discrepancy as a way to try to belittle his intelligence. I bet a Dollar you would not be so petty and childish. I am really sorry he won.

Oh yeah and he does not wear a collar either I do I suppose that is a bad thing?

posted on Mar 25, 2008 8:17 AM ()


comment by turftoe331 on Mar 28, 2008 3:47 PM ()
For someone who doesn't care what I think or say he sure spends a lot of time trying (and failing) to put me down--I love the fact that he attacks and then apologizes--like the latter makes the former okay--too bad he is bringing he garbage here--I must be powerful since I can cause 'ostracism' all by myself! WOW!!
The more he writes the more--oh, let's not go there on your blog!
comment by greatmartin on Mar 27, 2008 3:41 PM ()
Well said!
comment by itsjustme on Mar 26, 2008 2:46 AM ()
Not sure who the person is.Maybe you can tell me what happen
to Valdmir.Did he leave?
Sorry,to hear all the negative story there.
Good writing there.This you do so well.
Wish I had the talent that you have in writing.
Keep up the good work there.
comment by fredo on Mar 25, 2008 10:04 AM ()
I have also been attacked by him over on Blogster, and I'm not sure that he realizes how much his words bite and hurt. However, he managed to piss me off enough to tell him what I thought. He backed off. Even apologized.
comment by hayduke on Mar 25, 2008 9:45 AM ()
There is something that needs to be said here that I feel was a large point missed. The way that he views helping people masturbate over the phone most definitely carries over to what he feels about everyone else who does. Everything that I have I did on my own and no matter what he says about himself or how hard he worked to get what he has Kirk is the very spoiled rich suburbanite white slime that he hates so much.

This, my dear, is why I tell you not to trust anyone especially those whose only real point that they make ever is that they don’t trust anything. I on the other hand have absolute faith in humanity unlike our pissing pixie farts and merry clouds of happy sunshine Kirk. I just don’t bother to wrap it all up in a pretty pink package the way that he does while he so blatantly tries to beat his #### off to all of the pretty girls here on his blog sites.
comment by jtruant on Mar 25, 2008 9:22 AM ()
One of the first attacks he made on me was full of inaccurate 'facts'--I do not communicate with him anymore as we don't need (want?) him here bringing the garbage he spilled at Blogster.

IMO he is full of S**T as to why he left the country--if he has even gone!
comment by greatmartin on Mar 25, 2008 9:18 AM ()

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