1. How old are you? Never ask a lady her age! My mama taught me never to share! :P
2. What is your favorite color? Green and pink I cannot decide!
3. How old were you when you got your first kiss? Lol ten years old behind the bowling alley at Fort Sheridan army base!
4. Did you ever do something illegal? Does it count if I do not think either should be Illegal?
5. What was one of your most embarrassing moments in life? Oh man! You see I would say the pickle sneeze story but that is way tooo dirty to write here! The other would be when I was ten and my mom took me to the doctor. Army docs can be quite, um, strange. So it was this little oriental lady and she had me strip down totally naked for a physical and then had me lay on a cold metal table in an operating theater (it was a small one mind you but still an operating theater as they were out of rooms) So here I am cold, in the center of the room not to mention naked and this doctor has my mom come in to point out that I am getting pubic hair and little titties. I quote titties. I do not know who was more horrified me or my mother!
6. Did you ever win anything major? Major, hurm, track and field for long distance records at my school count? Gymnastics ribbons?
7. Who was your first love? A guy in junior high named eric we dated for a year . I was in sixth grade he was in eighth.
8. What was your first car? LOL a 1959 ford galaxy I loved my old car!
9. What is your favorite dessert? Cherry berries on a cloud!
10. Have you ever been skinny dipping? Yes I sure have!
11. Have you ever been out of the USA? Nope
12. What is your most "unfavorite" food? Okra! Ick! It is about the only thing I do not like! Earth snot!
13. Do you have a hobby? Spelunking, kick boxing, animals, some crafts
14. Are you a jealous person? Yes.
15. What is your greatest strength and greatest weakness? I think my greatest strength is intelligence but my greatest weakness is I am delusional!
I Tag Johnny Truant, Tealstar, Mustakim