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Life & Events > Drunk as a Skunk and Pissed Off

Drunk as a Skunk and Pissed Off

I really miss my computer
but I fear if I complain it will make JT even madder at me because this is his
old laptop, I say old and it probably makes you think of some dinosaur but it
is fact just under a year old.  Johnny
goes through computers like I do underwear. 


Speaking of underwear that
up there was a lie because I do not war them unless I am doing a photo shoot.
Everyone expects I should always been in these pretty sexy panties but unless I
am showing my ass I am not wearing them, they are so damned uncomfortable they
climb up my cootchie and give me a wedgie I just do not see the point in them
besides they impede access. Mind if I am going somewhere that matters and am
wearing a skirt I do wear them if I have permission.  Thank goodness JT is anti-panty too! But lets
not talk about that is will ruin my buzz and I need to get back to this here
laptop.  So it is a wonder machine and
has all the gee-gaws the built in cam and microphone and all kindsa neat stuff
however I still prefer my PC especially this day in history.


I have a virus!  I cannot even work till I fix that!  It is driving me crazy.  I have been running Housecall, you can click it over
there if you need it, it is a great, FREE, online virus scanner if yours does
not seem to be doing its job or you just want a little extra peace of mind it
is a wonderful program! 


When I am done I am gonna
download crapcleaner and see what crap I can remove off of here.  I cannot put a link up for that yet because I
am not even gonna bother with that yet.


Keep in mind I have been
at this since late last night , let it run all night now am doing it again
because my computer is so slow I can barely type and have to constantly go fix
typos caused by this.  My computer is too
slow to keep up with my elementary school typing!


Not to mention I am
buzzed, I have been working a bottle of 151 since last night and did not want a
hang over this morning so I am still at it.  It is quite delicious!  I prefer Barbancourt but settled for this because
it might have actually required Beka to look for it as they do not sell it at
all liquor stores because it is more top than top shelf!  It is really remarkable, like liquid gold!


So I guess I will settle
for this it too is quite good!


Now that I am a little
fucked up and cannot do anything but this I guess I will address a few of my
online issues here well they are here issues. 


Let’s start with blogster
no Amerigobard.  You see he was once a
friend of mine but I , I think it is time to let that friendship die a natural
death.  You see it is very hard for me to
make choices like this because I believe in the inherent good in everyone and it
takes a heck of a lot to make me desire a friendship to end or dislike
someone.  She though Amerigobard does not
really fit into the latter category but the former.  His friendship is bad for me and causes me
sadness and I assure you I do not need any of that, especially right now when I
am really EMO.


So I guess I will tell the
whole story.  See I have always been
friends with Amerigobard but then back on blogster when the new owners took
over,  WAIT, let me stress here for chi
wah wah’s sake the newest owners, the original owner was chief blogger then
Eddie and walleye man and now , heck I forgot his name, the new owner is who he
is.  He is not the first owner or the
second owner or the one hundred and fifty first owner but the current owner,
the new owner. 


Let me make a tangent here
I think it was Angie’s blog where Chi wah wah (texasstar here) was bashing
MyBloggers.com (I will get to that) thinking Eddie, the former , second(for
clarification) owner of blogster was some how stealing her identity or her oh
so very interesting blogs, when he opened mybloggers.com. You see so I said the
original owner not because I did not know that chrif blooger was the original
owner considering I joined when he owned it and there was an adult section,
which is WHY I joined, but because the writer of the article was not there at
Blogster’s inception and for her to want blogster to return to the way it was,
was Eddie’s way. You can go and look on the way back machine and see the
changes made with all three owners and know that Eddie and his crew made the
big changes (that everyone at the time also bitched about) in the code if not
the entire code to what everyone wanted this NEW Blogster to return to was
EDDIES code not chief bloggers, the same code this site, MyBloggers.com runs on.  On a side note so long as they do not give up
blogster should one day run the way the NEW owners envision it in their mind,
it may just take some time.  So have I
made myself clear enough here for Miss know it all?


So back to Amerigobard, so
he was my friend on blogster I believe he was Earth Kirk before he was
Amerigobard, right? Maybe, maybe not, That aside If they were different people
I was friends with both. I supported him in his conspiracy theories even though
I thought he was a little off his rocker you see he believes the NEW owners of
Blogster.com are really Bush secret service men who took over blogster and
broke it so he and others like them could not spread their message when in fact
they are just programmers who bit off more than they can chew and stumbling
along trying to make Blogster into the site the owner has envisioned it to be.
Sadly it is not working out well right now and they have lost most of their
bloggers who want what they had before that worked well.No, he could not see
this it was a conspiracy against him!  Bush decided to track him down to a virtually unknown site , spend one
hundred thousand dollars to shut up someone no one reads to begin with.  All this and I never once said a disparaging
word to him.


So then we move to mybloggers
and here comes Amerigobard fighting my friend Vladimir over this bs and then to
make it worse since Vlad has vanished off all blogging sites for over thirty
days now Amerigobard decided with his egotistical thought process that Vlad
must have left because of him which if you know Vlad at all, love him or hate
him. You know he will not back down anyone especially someone with such an
obvious weakness, self importance.


Then he did one of my huge
pet peeves he threatened to sue someone online because of what they Believed
about him.  You cannot sue some one
because of what they believe that is not a crime! That is an e-bully tactic
used by cyberbullys who cannot defend themselves logically.  Chi wah wah did it to Elkhound and it
sickened me and now here was my friend doing it to my friend and that made it
worse. See my article I Am
gonna get my E-lawyer to sue your E-arse
  seriously that is pathetic.


Then to make it worse My
Johnny and Amerigobard  began arguing
here on mybloggers and that was fine with me Johnny likes to do that and certainly
does not need me to fight his battles for him but then he began putting Johnny
down for his part time Gig, call it phonesex if you like but it technically is
not, he basically yells and berates homosexual men and men and women with sick
tastes and tells them what degenerates they are per their request, so he cannot
even be called abusive considering it is consensual. The problem is he was
berating Johnny for doing phone sex which he does not but I his friend
does.  Then he apologized to me for it
the proceeded to go right back to Johnny’s blog and do it again?  What exactly did you apologize for again?


Damn with the time this is
taking my computer must have Ebola.


Now, when this happened I
got all this loving advice but after having been indirectly insulted for what I
do for a living , as if it is not  I am
“not offering the world enough” by living in the world and career I chose.  As if I am some how less than what I could be
because f what I do , I did not find this loving or caring but degrading coming
from a friend,  from someone who knows I
love what I do and love my Johnny.  This
is for sure not the kind of support I need or desire.  “Okay your Dom turned you out not become a
low paid secretary or psychologist.(I am qualified for that)”




I am quite content in my
profession and being the liberal open minded sot Amerigobard is he should
appreciate that and respect it not try to needle me into his actual
conservative ideologies.


If this were not
enough!  I mean you would think it would
be right? Nope not with him, then he further decides try to make light of my
emotions, yeah this is what a fried does by suggestion that, hey let me quote:


Uh Holly, I've already
figured out that you and Johnny are making up this whole break-up gig, in order
to drum up more business.

Happy marketing!!!

I'll nominate you both for Oscars.

Dramarama .-Amerigobard


Now first and foremost I
have not been dumped.  Let’s get that
straight. Johnny does not lie. Way to kick your “friend” while she is down,
no?  I do not know in what way our
relationship has changed but it scares the hell out of me but dumped does not
happen in BDSM except with novices and when one chooses to leave the scene (the
sub that is) even a Dom leaving the scene will “place” his sub before leaving
her. The only one who can really do any dumping is the sub who leaves the scene
for vanilla.


I know you would like to
make me hurt more by insinuating I have been dumped but again an education
might help before you go flapping you gums.


Second part that seriously
offended me is while you pretend to know everything about everything you
apparently know nothing about SEO or marketing.  SEO is Search engine optimization and marketing is how I get customers.  Do you think mybloggers or blogster gets me
customers?  Maybe you do since you seem
to have a real liking for my very good friend but I will get to her later.  I am here because I like it here and have
friends here, period.  YES my original
intent for joining BLOGSTER when chiefblogger owned it was to advertise myself
and write nasty ass crap I am actually into BUT my friend Edddie for reasons of
SEO and MARKETING chose not to do that and not because of some conservative
undertones. However I fell in love with blogster and stayed in spite of the
fact it brought me no cash.


I moved to mybloggers for the
exact same reason, I love my Blogster friends and like and respect Eddie a lot
and while I still cannot write my hot and bothered memoirs I can explore with
people who read my blog, my life and my business in a less restrictive manner
with out fear of repercussion from the likes of the conservative right. 


I spend hour after hour a
day at the computer this is where I let my hair down, vent and get to be
myself. I am sorry you, my friend would like to try and interfere with that and
belittle my feelings.


If you think this brings
me cash you are a total waste of time, seriously I have like 1200 hits do you
think twelve hundred brings me his in a web space in this format when my
average site brings in one call per 200 hits and is specifically targeted to
people looking for phone sex and cam sex?


Let me tell you how many
inquiries it brings exactly one and not to me either, My friend Layla who joined
blogster and left because she did not love it and wanted to market her twat and
not waste her time, got one inquiry from a blogster member on her work blog and
shared it with me.   


Speaking of Layla anyone
who wishes to inquire into my current situation to verify the validity is
welcome to call or e-mail her I am quite sure she will be more than happy to
take your money to that end if my word, free as it is, is not good enough.


So since I have not got
permission to be ugly to you I will restrain myself. Though I will say with
friends like you who needs enemies.


Speaking of friends who
act more like enemies and since I am on a general long and drawn out rant.  I think I need to address Jen before she
starts running to Eddie saying I was mean to her, privately e-mailing Elkhound
and threatening to sue her or to sic  people on her, oh wait that is me I am elkhounds
pit bull she sics on Jen.  Jen is the
trouble maker from blogster known as Chi wah wah lover.  In many public blogs on blogster she swore
she would never come to Sleazy, which is what she referred to mybloggers as and
would not deign to come associate with the likes of those who chose to take up
residence at mybloggers.  She made this very
clear on no uncertain terms that is until she chose to use her presence as a
threat to Elkhound, this is a quote from jen,


“Just for this I think I will come to
mybloggers.com now.You asked for it!!! MyBloggers.com bloggers can thank you for me
coming over there now. So when they ask be sure and tell them. I'm sure more
will follow that you don't like too."


So after Elkhound repeatedly
asking her to leave her alone and leaving blogster because of the immense
amount of harassing mails and comments from Jen and gang she comes here for
peace only for Jen to arrive shortly after threatening to join blogster, guess
she made good.


But elkhound did great not
saying a word to her, so did everyone else for that matter who dislikes her
based on her previous behavior but then she felt the need to stir up shit,
which bet she would not be able to resist on jondude’s blog. 


Now I want to first say
sorry to jondude for
using hs blog to
defend my friend but I was not the one who went there posted a story in the
typical twisted way, :I will say this and phrase this how I want to in hopes of
making  Elkhound look as bad as possible
while hiding behind the fact that I did not mention her name in spite of the
fact that she is Jondude’s friend and knowing Elkhound will know I am talking
about her. I will blame it all on chance and circumstance and then divert blame
to Elkhound because she was upset about it thus proving I am an emotional terrorist.


Oh,get real Texastar, you
said you will never speak to her again , do it.  Be good to your word for once in you life and just go away.  You can also quit talking about me in your
private e-mails you have to quick go write to your friends because when ever
you say something about me it has a funny way of ending up in my inbox.


Also, Elkhound, bet you a
buck she sends you and e-mail yelling at you and blaming this all on you when
in fact she just had to stir the pot.  My
advice to you is never to answer anything she writes and t you and attempting
to chastise you because I dared defend you and insinuates it is somehow your
fault I suggest you NOT answer any of them and just post them to your blog. She
knows I wil do that so guess what?  I get
no private e-mails from her anymore.  I
post all harassing e-mails so when one feels the need to harass me they have
lost their assumed privacy, oh yeah and it is perfectly legal.



If you do not want anymore
drama do not cause it.  You have promised
to leave elkhound alone do not use her life as examples of anything, when you
talk about her even when not using her name you are STILL talking about her and
harassing her.


It was enough for HER to
know you were talking about her trying to sink your barbs in yet again


As far as my personal life
is concerned, glad to know you are still reading my blog, that will never
prevent me from defending my friends from the likes of you.



So now I am done and am
getting pretty damn drunk and it is high noon.  Johnny here’s to you where ever you are. 


My computer virus scan is
finally finished I will try to do some cams or calls.  Until next time………………



posted on Apr 15, 2008 10:00 AM ()


Boy! I was so hoping this wouldn't happen here. We had enough of it on Blogster.
comment by redimpala on Apr 16, 2008 6:46 AM ()
This is a great post! First thing that comes off when I get home every day is the underwear and you are so right. It does climb up and give you wedgies. I wear it because my momma always said you had to have on clean ones if you are in a car accident
comment by teacherwoman on Apr 16, 2008 6:25 AM ()
How to prevent viruses? don't ever visiting porn site
comment by mustakim on Apr 15, 2008 2:28 PM ()
about your puter having the Ebola virus!!! I hope it feels better soon..
Chi wah wah is a la la la loser and is best left in the dust...
comment by kristilyn3 on Apr 15, 2008 12:59 PM ()
I've never seen a drunk skunk--so come on down to South Florida and show me what one looks like!!
I WON MY BET!!!! I bet that 1) the dog lover would come over here 2) would start trouble--now I am waiting for her to say something about me. Wonder how many of her 'family' have come over, too. And I dare her in anyway to pick on Mary here so that it can be seen--I really think she is delusional in not knowing how many at mybloggers came here to get away from her and her evilness.
I love you--get some rest and some food!! That's an order!!!
comment by greatmartin on Apr 15, 2008 12:14 PM ()
good lord, the drama never ends. I hope everything straightens out for everyone.
comment by ekyprogressive on Apr 15, 2008 11:36 AM ()
wow! me thinks you should drink more often! just kidding. I know what a real friend is you my dear are one. If I could make this problem go away for you, the situation with johnny, I would. is it ok if I am just a little mad at him for putting you through this, even if it is the terms of your relationship? just a little. as for the drama aspect, I am not letting it bother me. she talks about my web of lies unraveling. well she failed to mention that I did NOT in fact buy the booze for my daughter's 'party'. But its ok to leave key points out when you are trying to hurt someone. right now things are finally going good in my life and that is my form of revenge. Just living my life well and loving my family and friends. I love you holly!
comment by elkhound on Apr 15, 2008 10:41 AM ()
Sweetie..your gonna feel like you have the Ebola virus if you don't stop drinking that mess...go get you something to eat...take a nap...and get some rest hun...*hugs*
comment by elfie33 on Apr 15, 2008 10:17 AM ()

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