Jon Adams


Jon Adams
Tiffin, OH
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A Minority Of One

Life & Events > Three A.m. Accident ...

Three A.m. Accident ...

I was jolted out of my sicko bed at ten to three by the sound of crashing metal and glass. I shot to a window upstairs and cracked open the drapes and miniblinds. A black automobile sat in one of the two lanes of my one-way street with its headlight pointing sideways below the window. Something the size of a basketball lay in the street near the curb.

I rushed down and grabbed on a jacket. Out on the sidewalk I ran into my neighbor, Matt, who was just coming up toward his house from the rear of his parked black F-150 pickup.

"She's drunk," he said. "Hit my truck on the rear corner."

He went to tell his wife who stood on their porch, hands on her hips.

I walked around the back of Matt's vehicle and could see the derelict car had really clobbered it. Ahead of the truck, nearly parallel with my house, a young girl stood leaning against the driver's door of the sedan and was speaking to whoever sat behind the wheel.

The driver was racing the engine. I walked there and asked what happened. Neither one spoke, and the driver was a younger girl, about 18 or 19. I could smell the beer.

"What are you racing the motor for?" I asked.

The one standing outside said, "She's just panicked. That's all, and the car won't move."

"You can't move a car after an accident," I said.

"He says we can't move it," she shouted down through the window.

By then I had my fill of stale beer odor and as I went over to talk to Matt, two of Tiffin's finest arrived in their white cruisers, light bars flashing red, white and blue.

Matt's wife was worried. She said they didn't have the five hundred dollar deductible to cover the repairs it would take. (The tailpipe was completely shoved out ninety degrees, the right corner of the truck was crumpled and the right rear tire was flattened. Just my curious look at it had rung up about a $2500 minimum claim.

I told her that deductible only applied to collision. It was the drunk girl's fault. She would have to pay. No deductible.

"But one look at that little piece of high school shit and we think she probably isn't insured," she said.

"Then she's in for a long jail sentence. That's illegal. You call your insurance people first thing in the morning. They will come out and assess your claim. If the girl doesn't have insurance your comprehensive or uninsured motorist coverage will take care of it. You only have to pay the deductible when it is your fault."

That seemed to settle her. Matt lit a cigarette and I went back inside. The cops had the two girls in the back of one of the police cars within minutes, the driver handcuffed. My cats were staring out the front windows at the spectacle of lights and sounds at three in the morning.

I started this thing up because with this awful cold and the activity I didn't think sleep would come easy. I'm considering pushing the button on the Krups and dripping a pot of java.

Parents: do you know where your kids are? I know that one in Tiffin will be spending a night and probably the day in a cell here in town. She's never going to see that car again, either. The tow truck just hauled it away to the impound. It will probably go from there to the junk yard from the front end damage I saw. And the girl will get an Ohio OVI charge, have to spit up about a $1200 fine, do time at Firelands to educate her about the dangers of underage drinking. She will also get the underage fine and probation. She won't be able to drive again for at least two years, if then. And when she finally can drive again, her insurance rates will be redlined to heaven's door.

I don't know what they do to drunk underage passengers these days. If I was the judge I'd nail her, too, for being a stupid teenager out for a drive at 3 a.m. with beer breath.

What a waste of shiny metal. What a way to live.

No wonder our insurance rates are so high. No wonder I can't sleep.

Forrest Gump was right. "Stupid is..."

posted on Apr 12, 2008 1:36 AM ()


Those teenagers need to have their butts whipped--and the parents
sent to jail with them.Here in Mississippi it is illegal to buy alcohol
until you're 21. But I also think teenagers, at the most irresponsible
age of their lives, shouldn't be allowed to drive, period. Maybe not
till they're 21.
comment by susil on Apr 14, 2008 11:51 AM ()
Oh man!! I'm glad everyone is alright!! You know I had a friend call me one time (long distance) at that because one of her kids at the time was 18 or 19 and wanted her to buy their booze for their party they were having. She asked me what to do??? I was like..."I wouldn't do it!!!" Why enable them you know. I mean I couldn't believe it!!! I was thinking you really don't know what to do??? This friend was afraid that their kid would be mad at them. I said, better being mad at you than being dead or killing someone else. Or being in jail but, I also told this person you could find yourself in jail for contributing to a minor. I think the kid was having this party over at another house maybe their grandparents as they were away or at someone else's house. It is just crazy!! But, like you said stupid is as stupid does...Forrest Gump. And then you have the parents that lie about it and say that their kids never did the drinking it had to be somebody else's kids.
comment by texastar on Apr 12, 2008 10:07 PM ()
What's a teenager doing out at 3 a.m. in the first place? I would have long since found my kid and brought them home; and the punishment they received from me would have made a night in the drunk tank seem like heaven.
comment by redimpala on Apr 12, 2008 7:18 PM ()
Haul 'em to the slammer. In some places, I hear the parents can be cited, too. Your neighbors need to talk to your car insurance agent.
Hope you feel better soon, sweetie....
comment by marta on Apr 12, 2008 6:09 PM ()
'for being a stupid teenager out for a drive at 3 a.m. with beer breath' And what if she was in her 20s or 30s??? ANYONE who drives when having had ONE drink is stupid.
By this time with the party in full swing I bet you are feeling great--or not feeling anything!
comment by greatmartin on Apr 12, 2008 3:28 PM ()
So, it's you that gave me my cold overnight! Funny though, the wind's been out of the south. I've had two naps already, and it's only 2:15 PM.
comment by solitaire on Apr 12, 2008 11:40 AM ()
with my older two kids we had a rule. if they found themselves at a party and there was drinking, they were to call me to pick them up if they drank. no punishment, no lectures. I would rather have a live drunk teen than have one dread being punished and get behind the wheel. and I never had to pick either one up, they just didn't drink at parties.
comment by elkhound on Apr 12, 2008 11:05 AM ()
An almost identical thing happened to us when I lived in town, not on the hill. I was awakened in the dead of night by a huge crash! A drunk guy had totaled our car and just missed the side of the house that held our bedroom. He didn't have a mark on him--
comment by angiedw on Apr 12, 2008 2:38 AM ()
Goodnight Jon... sweet dreams. Get well.
comment by anniel on Apr 12, 2008 2:25 AM ()
I hope you start to feel better soon. I also hope that they give that girl some consequences for her choices. She should lose her license.
comment by hopefields on Apr 12, 2008 2:15 AM ()
Never trust a judge with a cowboy hat.
comment by anniel on Apr 12, 2008 1:57 AM ()
I'm sorry to hear you are sick. I can warm up some chicken soup and be over to your house in a few hours or maybe days considering the airline shutdowns.
comment by anniel on Apr 12, 2008 1:56 AM ()
Aaawww... that is better. Now you have my gorgeous smiling face to look at.
comment by anniel on Apr 12, 2008 1:53 AM ()
Hey... why isn't my picture up as one of your friends? I hope it is just an oversight on your part.
comment by anniel on Apr 12, 2008 1:51 AM ()
friggin' kids.... I hope they throw the book at the little twit. But unfortunatly, if she's cute and/or blonde and/or has rich parents, she'll pro'ly slide.

yer ticked off pal
comment by honeybugg on Apr 12, 2008 1:50 AM ()
Okay... now I know what you are doing up this time of night. Funny, but my first thought was that she probably doesn't have insurance, either. Stupid kids!!!!
comment by anniel on Apr 12, 2008 1:50 AM ()
Every morning the newspaper publishes the police and sheriffs' reports, including all court appearances. In Ohio they publish the names and addresses of minors who are arrested. When I lived in CA they couldn't do that. Something about protecting our "youth" from the harm of publicity. Here, the publicity is what makes it right.
comment by jondude on Apr 12, 2008 1:41 AM ()

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