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Life & Events > Relationships > Day Two

Day Two

Well yesterday went just fine.... UNTIL...

I got home and honey was the meanest piece of work I have ever seen!!!  See - I went the way of the nicotine patch and she thought she could do it cold turkey!!  I almost wanted to shove a patch up her nose.  Or over her mouth!

It all started with us deciding to take the dogs for a walk.  Another of our life changes we are starting.  To exercise more.  So while we were getting the leashes on, she made a comment to her dog that they should get ahead of us so that we don't get in their way.  So I made sure we were WAAAAY ahead of her the whole walk.  Then I tell her that I found a cooking class I wanted us to take and was telling her about the cost and the nights available.  We had some friends that wanted to go too so I told her we should tell them about it and she said she didn't want them to go.  She wanted it to be just us.  Well this is another post altogether about her never wanting to do anything with our friends.  She reminds me of an abusive husband that wants his wife to himself all the time.  So now I don't even want to take the class.  I will accidentally forget about the registration.

Then we get home and she asks if I want a beer.  A BEER?  Really.  I wanted to stop drinking for at least a month maybe more because when I drink, the first thing I want to do is smoke.  And smoke and smoke and smoke.  So I told her no that I wasn't drinking and she started giving me shit.  And telling me I wouldn't smoke since we didn't have any.  Well let me tell you, there is a 7-11 within walking distance and I don't trust myself not to drunkenly walk my ass down there and ask for a pack on salem slim light 100s.  But she keeps on me and I finally say "leave me alone, I don't want to drink.  Stop pestering me to drink.  What are you 12?"  Then I started walking upstairs to go change and I hear her quietly say "What are you a Bitch?"

Well that did it for me.  I was done even talking to her.  But she continued all night to be terribly mean.  When I made dinner, I made ham and mashed potatoes and gravy.  When we were dishing up, she asked if I had made 2 cans of gravy and I said I had because I didn't realize there was so much in there.  I usually make it homemade but kinda hard with ham.  Then she say's very snide "you always cook too much!!" 


Needless to say - I sat on couch watching TV all night and she spent the night up in the room watching TV, drinking beer and texting a girl that has a crush on her.  (this is what she does when she gets mad at me - like I give a shit)

Then she came down and gave me my pillow and a blanket so I took that as an invitation to sleep on the couch.



I did not smoke.  I did not drink.  And I did NOT KILL HER!!!!


Let's hope I can be as good today.

posted on Sept 10, 2008 9:40 AM ()


that's fantastic. good for you. i believe in you. you are very strong!!
comment by writerproducer on Sept 11, 2008 9:28 AM ()
Keep up the good work!
comment by nittineedles on Sept 10, 2008 11:09 PM ()
Did not smoke = good, Did not drink = even better, didn't kill anybody = your on a roll hun..just keep it up..
comment by elfie33 on Sept 10, 2008 10:03 AM ()

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