I have never heard of it before, but holy cow, I'm absolutely dying to go! Unfortunately, at $239.50 for the early bird special (not including camping fees), the price is a little steep. *sigh* What a tease. Meanwhile, it only took mere seconds before I was at the point of no return and completely sold on the idea.
I know I should be saving up for our elopement, and that obviously takes priority. Plus, I'll basically be using up all my holiday time for that trip too... But Jeez Louise, there has to be a way I can swing both? I've never been to a festival of this magnitude and it just looks like sooo much fun. If my work friend doesn't want to go, you'd think that there has to be someone else out there I can go with? J would *never* go to something like this... but fortunately, he'd never stop me from going either -- just as long as I bring my Kung Fu for Girls book with me. ;o)
Oh well, I know that realistically chances are I won't be able to go. However, I still have two weeks to come up with some kind of wicked master plan before those early bird tickets go on sale... Hmm... I wonder if I can put them on our wedding gift registry? Ha!
Speaking of our gift registry, I can't help but feel totally lame registering for gifts when we're not having a "real" wedding and are only holding a reception upon our return. But everyone and their dog is telling us that people will want to buy us gifts and if we don't want to end up with a boat load of stuff we don't need, then we really should register somewhere. That being said, we think we just might point everyone to the BC-SPCA "Pawsitive" gifts page: www.pawsitivegifts.ca
We're both really excited about this idea. I know we'd much rather see a litter of kittens fed than to try to find space for a dozen crock pots.
But those festival tickets... now that's the kind of gift I could put to good use! ;o)