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Life & Events > What a Tease ...

What a Tease ...

My friend at work passed this link off to me today for the Pemberton Festival...

I have never heard of it before, but holy cow, I'm absolutely dying to go! Unfortunately, at $239.50 for the early bird special (not including camping fees), the price is a little steep. *sigh* What a tease. Meanwhile, it only took mere seconds before I was at the point of no return and completely sold on the idea.

I know I should be saving up for our elopement, and that obviously takes priority. Plus, I'll basically be using up all my holiday time for that trip too... But Jeez Louise, there has to be a way I can swing both? I've never been to a festival of this magnitude and it just looks like sooo much fun. If my work friend doesn't want to go, you'd think that there has to be someone else out there I can go with? J would *never* go to something like this... but fortunately, he'd never stop me from going either -- just as long as I bring my Kung Fu for Girls book with me. ;o)

Oh well, I know that realistically chances are I won't be able to go. However, I still have two weeks to come up with some kind of wicked master plan before those early bird tickets go on sale... Hmm... I wonder if I can put them on our wedding gift registry? Ha!

Speaking of our gift registry, I can't help but feel totally lame registering for gifts when we're not having a "real" wedding and are only holding a reception upon our return. But everyone and their dog is telling us that people will want to buy us gifts and if we don't want to end up with a boat load of stuff we don't need, then we really should register somewhere. That being said, we think we just might point everyone to the BC-SPCA "Pawsitive" gifts page:

We're both really excited about this idea. I know we'd much rather see a litter of kittens fed than to try to find space for a dozen crock pots.

But those festival tickets... now that's the kind of gift I could put to good use! ;o)

posted on Mar 14, 2008 2:32 PM ()


Oh, GO GO GO!!I would totally come with you if we didn't live so damn far away...but I need to live vicariously through someone else so you need to go. I love the idea that you and J came up with in lieu of wedding gifts...when Michael came home from the hospital last April, everyone wanted to get the little guy something as a gift but we didn't need or want anything and we of course, had a very soft spot for the children's hospital in Big City, so we encouraged everyone to donate what they would have spent on a gift to the hospital during their annual telethon. Kind of a "pay it forward" sort of deal.
comment by janetk on Mar 16, 2008 1:23 PM ()
You would totally enjoy that! That will be a wonderful 3 days I'm sure!
comment by teacherwoman on Mar 15, 2008 2:06 PM ()
I also say, find a way to go to that festival! it does sound like big fun! registering for gifts is a good idea, especially when you have already been living together. I am always clueless when it comes to gifts so to have a list just makes my day!
comment by elkhound on Mar 15, 2008 8:21 AM ()
I have a passport. I'll go with you! Sounds like a great wedding gift!
comment by frogfenatic on Mar 14, 2008 11:56 PM ()
Oh man that sounds like so much fun. I seen Tom Petty a couple of years back. If I were you I would go have fun!!!!
comment by wickedwitchofthewest on Mar 14, 2008 8:43 PM ()
GO!!!! It will be something you will always look back on and remember fondly. Take your pleasures as they come whether you can afford them or not--says the man who did just that and went bankrupt!!! (But never regretted it.)
comment by greatmartin on Mar 14, 2008 7:18 PM ()
Oh, definitely go to the festival while you have the money and are free of kids (if you were planning to have them)! Those festivals sound like so much fun and I've never been to one.

And, I hear you about getting a dozen crock pots! Even though we did register at a couple of places, we got some gifts that almost 12 years later, we still haven't used! I come close to giving them away, then chicken out. Why do I have 3 chip and dip sets when I use one set once a year????
comment by imaginaryfriend on Mar 14, 2008 7:07 PM ()

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