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Life & Events > Poplar Tree

Poplar Tree

In Angie's post "Walnut Tree Unplugged" she noted that Sunlight had a list of birthdays and their corresponding trees.  I thought it was interesting, so I checked it out. Apparently, I'm a poplar tree:
Poplar Tree (Uncertainty) -- looks very decorative, talented, not very self-confident, extremely
courageous if necessary, needs goodwill and pleasant surroundings, very
choosy, often lonely, great animosity, great artistic nature, good
organizer, tends to lean toward philosophy, reliable in any situation,
takes partnership seriously.

So let's see how this matches up...
Looks very decorative -- Sure...  I guess from time to time. I do love the occasional excuse to dress up. Sometimes on a Saturday night if we're going out to grab dinner somewhere, I'll dress up like it's a special event just for the sake of dressing up... But really, I think most of the time, I'm usually very casual.
Talented -- Depends... talented at what? I believe I am double-jointed in my shoulders, because I can put my hands on my hips and then twist my arms around so my elbows touch in front of me. Yes, this is just one of my many special talents.
Not Very Self-Confident -- Well, if we travelled back in time and explored my life between the ages of around 9 to 24, yeah, definitely -- self-confidence was one of my biggest challenges. But people change. I am still a pretty quiet individual in a lot of situations, but even so, I can happily say with full confidence that I am pretty self-confident.
Extremely Courageous if Necessary -- Does getting your imbecile boss demoted count as being courageous? Of course, there's power in numbers... I wouldn't have met with CEO on my own. That being said, I think I have done a few courageous things in my life... but only when I felt they were absolutely necessary.
Needs Goodwill and Pleasant Surroundings -- Sure. But don't we all?
Very Choosy -- In my high school yearbook, beneath pet peeves it says "People saying I'm picky." I guess that says it all, doesn't it? Of course, if you met some of the guys my friends wanted me to hook up with, I don't think you'd blame me. Nothing wrong with being picky.
Often Lonely -- I've had many lonely periods throughout my life... but I don't know if I'd say "often" lonely. How about "sometimes" lonely.
Great Animosity -- Um... well, that depends. For the most part I'm a very easy going person, but there are certain things that *really* tick me off and I find myself completely overwhelmed with hateful feelings. For instance, yesterday Bro was telling me about how he was recently driving through the peaceful countryside and the car in front of him threw a ton of McD's garbage -- bags, cups, napkins, leftovers -- out onto the highway. Just hearing this story, my heart started to pound and my face got warm. Stuff like that really p*sses me off, and I find myself wishing that I could punch those litterbugs in the head... even though I'm usually the most passive person you'd ever meet and I don't think I've ever punched anyone in my whole life. So yeah... I guess you could say certain things really get me fired up and cause great animosity.
Great Artistic Nature -- I like to paint with oils, acrylics and sometimes watercolours. I enjoy drawing, writing, making collages, smearing pastels, smuging charcoal, so... yeah, I guess I'm pretty artistic.
Good Organizer -- Hmm... if I'm responsible for organizing something, whether it's a trip or a cupboard, then yes, I'm quite good at it. But that doesn't always mean that everything in my life is organized. In other words, please don't go into my spare bedroom!
Tends to Lean Towards Philosophy -- As I glace over my shoulder at my overflowing book shelf... yeah, there certainly is a theme, and based on that, I suppose that I could give off a philosophical impression. However, it doesn't mean that every conversation you have with me will always be as deep as the ocean. I pick n' choose my moments.
Reliable in Any Situation -- Yes. When I let people down, I feel like I've let myself down. So if you ask me to do something important for you, you can always count on me to do it.
Take Partnership Seriously -- Very. I love with my whole heart.

posted on May 3, 2008 10:01 AM ()


I like the way you did that. I didn't know you liked to oil paint...I do too..although I'm not very good at it.. I'm a Willow Tree
comment by elfie33 on May 6, 2008 2:03 PM ()
How did I miss this post?!I loved it.And I have very good facebook intentions this week, too.
comment by janetk on May 6, 2008 1:47 PM ()
According to Sunlight's list, I'm a Rowan Tree. The first question I have is, "What in the HELL is Rowan tree?" Sounds like something out of "The Hobbit."

Rowan Tree (Sensitivity) -- full of charm, cheerful, gifted without egoism, likes to draw attention, loves life, motion, unrest, and even complications, is both dependent and independent, good taste, artistic, passionate, emotional, good company, does not forgive.

I do TOO have an ego! How can I "like to draw attention to myself" and not have an ego?
"Is both dependent and independent." Well, that certainly covers all of the bases. Doesn't it?
"Does not forgive." Not true. I forgive very easily. It drives my wife nuts sometimes that I am SO trusting and forgiving. I'll give people a hundred chances, and then I'll be shocked and hurt when they hurt me yet again. Then tomorrow, I'll trust them one more time.

By the way, I've never known anybody who had double-jointed shoulders before!
comment by hayduke on May 6, 2008 9:34 AM ()
I want to do this
comment by teacherwoman on May 5, 2008 10:21 AM ()
Wow... this is cool. Lots of info for one tree! Gonna check it out!
comment by artisticgypsy on May 4, 2008 4:59 PM ()
It seems the poplar fits you well.
comment by redimpala on May 3, 2008 3:13 PM ()
Mine said 'hates loneliness' which I thought implied that I'm lonely, but now that I see yours, I guess it doesn't. I tried the double jointed thing, and it was an aerobic exercise, but didn't come even close. I'm with you on the organizing. I miss having a job because it provided so many opportunities to organize stuff.
comment by troutbend on May 3, 2008 1:36 PM ()
February 29 doesn't even have a tree!!!! B-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o!!!!
comment by greatmartin on May 3, 2008 10:43 AM ()
comment by mrsstu on May 3, 2008 10:04 AM ()

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