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Entertainment > Getting to Know Me

Getting to Know Me

Okay, I'm going to finally join the rest of you and do my list of Getting to Know You questions....Fun, fun!

1. What time did you get up this morning? Hit snooze or actually pull myself out of bed? I guess I actually got up around 6:40 a.m.
2. Diamonds or pearls? Neither really… but if I had to choose I guess Canadian Diamonds.
3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Umm… I think it was “Walk Hard – The Dewy Cox Story”.
4. What is your favorite TV show? I don’t know… I don’t have one really. We generally just watch shows on DVD. Right now we’ve been watching a lot of X-Files because the second X-Files movie is coming out this summer, so J wants to bring me up to speed.
5. What do you usually have for breakfast? A bowl of half multigrain Cheerios or sometimes Our Compliments (no name) raisin bran, (because it has the most raisins!) and half fibre cereal with skim milk.
6. What is your middle name? Ugh… Ida May. Ida after my Dad’s mother (who even changed her name because she didn’t like Ida either). May after my mom’s mother and the month I was born.
7. What food do you dislike? Veal
8. What is your favorite CD at moment? I’ve been listening to Ani DiFranco’s Canon Disc Two a lot lately at home… but at work, I keep my tunes on random.
9. What kind of car do you drive? 2005 Hyundai Accent… or well, J drives it. I just contribute towards the payments.
10. Favorite sandwich? Tomato, avocado, cucumber, sprouts, havarti cheese (or feta), n’ hummus on good multigrain bread.
11. What characteristics do you despise? Shallowness
12. Favorite item of clothing? My brown n’ tan hooded sweater with the little mitten shaped pockets. So cozy!
13. If you could go anywhere in the world, on vacation, where would you go? Tour around Europe, of course… but I’d also like to spend a good month in Ontario and invest some quality time visiting with the people I never get to see because my visits are always so rushed, and few n’ far between. I’d hang out with old friends in Big City. Then make a stop by Janetk’s to see that nice little corner in the world she calls home. Next I’d visit my parent’s next door neighbours who were once such a big part of my life, even though we haven’t spoken in years. Then I'd take a road trip to where I went to college and visit some good friends there. I'd check out a few of the old haunts, and marvel how the children I once babysat have grown. Then I’d head to Toronto and visit with some more peeps at the pub I worked at, and other friends who have since planted their roots in the city.
14. Favorite brand of clothing? I’m not a brand person.
15. Where would you retire to? My own little island somewhere on the west coast, where I could hang out in the old growth or comb the beach for treasures that have washed ashore. I’ve dreamed about retirement since I was a little kid. Weird, eh?
16. What was your most recent memorable birthday? My 26th… with the surprise party that almost went awry. J made it sound like his brother wanted us to meet him at a certain restaurant because that’s where *he* wanted to eat. So I got ticked off and wanted J to call him back and tell him that we’d meet him somewhere else, or else we’d just hook up with him later. I resented that Bro was calling the shots on my birthday. Fortunately (for J), I finally relented and went to the stupid restaurant where stupid Bro wanted to eat. Ha. Little did I know that there was a room full of people waiting for me there… I felt so stupid.
17. Favorite sport to watch? Meh… none of the above.
18. Furthest place you are sending this? I’m just putting it out there.
19. Person you expect to send it back first? No one. I’m sure I’m the last to do this.
20. When is your birthday? May 14th.
21. Are you a morning person or a night person? I like to think I’m a night person… but I’ve got all my energy in the morning.
22. What is your shoe size? 7 ½… sometimes 8. My feet are flat and wide, so it depends on the shape of the shoe.
23. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with us? Hmm... no, not really. Nothing that I haven’t shared already.
24. What did you want to be when you were little? I’ve always wanted to be different things, but there are three that stand out the most. When I was *really* little I wanted to be Hot Lips Hoolahan and work with Hawkeye and the gang on MASH. They always looked like they were having so much fun. I was too young to realize they were in the midst of war. As a teenager I wanted to be an iconologist… but I decided that it took too many years of schooling (and debt) only to end up unemployed when I was done. The only “make believe” job that has stayed consistent since I was little was that I’ve always wanted to make a living as a writer and a painter who travels the world finding my artistic inspiration. Then I’d retire to a cozy cabin on a little island when I was done my worldly travels. I haven’t given up on that one yet… you just don’t happen to see it advertised too often in the help wanted ads.
25. What is your favorite candy? Penny candy… or the 5 cent kind (if they’re even 5 cents anymore?), like peppermint toes, red feet and hot lips.
26. What is your favorite flower? Magnolias, lilacs and Gerber daisies.
27. What is a day on the calendar you are looking forward to? September 12th.
28. What is your full name? Melodie Ida May Not Telling.
29. What are you listening to right now? Random music… Lost Together by Blue Rodeo is ending and now Drive My Car/The Word/What You’re Doing mix by the Beatles is beginning….
30. What was the last thing you ate? A banana, which I opened from the “wrong” end because I read that it prevents the little sticky strings and apparently that’s how the monkeys eat them... I still got a couple little strings though. That’s the last time I believe anything sent to me in a “Fun Facts” forward!
31. Do you wish on stars? Shooting stars, sure.
32. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Bright pink.
33. How is the weather right now? 13’C and cloudy.
34. Last person you spoke to on the phone? A co-worker giving me the juicy scoop on something that just happened that might be worthy of a blog post soon. Let’s just say, remember that email my old co-worker R sent to Human Resources about my incompetent boss? Well, if you do, you might be interested to know that it was finally followed up on.
35. Favorite soft drink? I don’t have one. Maybe raspberry gingerale.
36. Favorite restaurant? I like eating out, but I can’t say I have a favourite restaurant. Right now I have to admit that I’m missing the mybloggers goodness of the chip trucks in my home town. Mmm… I can smell them right now. Loaded with vinegar… ooh, my mouth is watering. A warm summer’s day, sitting down at the marina, eating mybloggers fries, tossing the odd one to the sea gulls… Yeah… that would be good.
37. Hair color? Natural? Dirty blonde. Current? Dark brown.
38 What was your favorite toy as a child? I think it was a cookie monster doll. But my fondest memories are playing with my imaginary friend, who was an old woman named “Poopie”. Yep… I was a weird kid.
40. Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate…. But not chocolate ice cream. It’s too strong n’ chocolatey for me.
41. Coffee or Tea? Coffee or tea… depends. Morning it’s coffee… evening it’s tea.
42. Do you want your friends to email you back? No. But I hope more people post their answers to these questions. Although I think everyone already has.
43. The last time you cried? The last time I re-read the post I wrote about my grandpa. Ha. Great… now my eyes are getting misty all over again just thinking about it.
44. What is under your bed? Probably an old Archie comic or two (because J has like 300 of them cluttering up *his* side of the closet). There might be a miscellaneous sock or tea towel that escaped the laundry basket under there too. Oh… and cat hair. I’m sure there must be tuffs of cat fur under my bed. That’s where Luna loves to sleep.
45. What did you do last night? Uploaded a bunch of pics to Facebook, because I haven’t done that in over 6 months, and watched an episode of X-Files (of course.)
46. What are you afraid of? Drowning.
47. Salty or Sweet? Salty.
48. How many keys on your key ring? Two keys and one key fob.
49. How many years at your current job? 4.5 years.
50. Favorite day of the week? Friday nights at 4:00… or Saturdays.
51. How many towns have you lived in? 6.
52. How many people will you send this to? The whole wide world.
53. How many will respond? No idea…

posted on Apr 17, 2008 12:06 PM ()


I know. "Orville" elicits the Redenbocker image in a lot of people. I'll have you know, however, that I don't even OWN a bowtie!
comment by hayduke on Apr 22, 2008 5:24 AM ()
Ida may, huh? Well, mine's Orville. What's that old adage about people living in glass houses?(By the way, I knew your answer to #7 before I read it.)
comment by hayduke on Apr 21, 2008 9:36 AM ()
Oh! Penny candy! I forgot about penny candy! I used to tell my Dad that I needed a quarter for something at school (I don't remember him asking me what I needed...ha) so that I could stop at Metcalfe's and get a mixed bag of candy. Good stuff.And now I am hungry for fries from a chip truck loaded with vinegar. Perhaps you should make a secret trip to Ontario...we can time with a visit from Don and then gather other blogster/ mybloggers cyber friends and we'll have a penny candy and chip truck party!Okay, now I'm rambling...I just meant to say, "great answers!"
comment by janetk on Apr 21, 2008 6:13 AM ()
Great responses.. I had no idea what kind of penny candy you were talking about. I'm stumped. And I didn't know they made Raspberry Ginger ale. Sounds yummy!
comment by frogfenatic on Apr 19, 2008 10:20 PM ()
I liked your responses, so I'll try one of my own.
comment by bumpedoff on Apr 18, 2008 1:29 PM ()
I never had raspberry ginger ale. That sounds yummy!
comment by blogmom on Apr 18, 2008 12:43 PM ()
The sandwich you describe on #10 sounds delicious!!
comment by hopefields on Apr 17, 2008 8:40 PM ()
comment by meranda on Apr 17, 2008 12:32 PM ()
We have exact opposite hair colors... I start with dark brown and go to dirty blond...
The surprise b-day party idea made me laugh.. I would prolly do the same though!
And, I like Ida May... a lot actually... it's cute and zippy! One of R's nieces names is Emma-Thomas. Apparently R's brother wanted a son really bad to name after himself... poor Emma...
comment by kristilyn3 on Apr 17, 2008 12:30 PM ()

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