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Life & Events > Carrot on a String ...

Carrot on a String ...

Well, the butterflies are gone and I'm breathing a little easier. Still, I can't help but be on pins n' needles because a final resolution hasn't quite been determined.

When he sat down to join us for lunch, Development Funding Contact (DC) apologized for the carrot on a string. He has been swamped lately and hasn't had the opportunity to speak with his lawyers yet, but he wanted to touch base anyway.

DC will meet with his lawyers on July 9th. Then he'll present us with our options. He wants to find a way to fund us so that it won't somehow screw us over tax-wise -- which of course, we both fully appreciate.

Once he presents our options on the 9th, we will have a chance to think things through and then likely meet with the lawyers on July 16th (I think?) to sign papers and get everything set up. What DC is thinking of doing is providing us with a single set amount divided into four quarterly installments.

So all in all, it sounds very positive. The only thing is, if we receive enough funding to get by for a whole year -- which, on one hand, would be totally awesome! -- on the other hand, I can't help but find myself very reluctant to quit my job for only a year's absence. Does that make me crazy?

I can't help it -- I'm a Taurus who takes a lot of assurance in stability. Plus, a year goes by so fast, and as much as I b*tch n' complain about the nonsense that goes on around here, the reality is I do have a good job, and I feel very fortunate to have it.

A less risky solution is to consider applying for a leave of absence... but I seriously doubt they'd ever give me one. I just checked our HR manual and there is nothing about taking a leave of absence in there. DC jokingly suggested that I should take a mental break down. Ha. If I haven't legitimately taken one already, then I doubt I'll take one now.

Anyhow, I know that you can never achieve success without pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone and taking necessary risks... but even so, risks are such scary things, aren't they?

Oh well, we'll see how everything shakes out come mid-July. In the meantime, we'll just keep pluggin' away and trying to keep those butterflies at bay.

...And now ya know!

posted on June 23, 2008 2:42 PM ()


Oh gosh, mellodee, I'm so sorry I haven't kept up with this. I've just been so busy. I'm so happy for you! Hopefully you'll get a year and yes, I would be reluctant to take a year's leave as well! keep us apprised of what is going on. That is so wonderful!
comment by teacherwoman on June 26, 2008 3:00 PM ()
Gosh, Mel... I hope it all falls into place. So much to think about and consider. Scary, yet exciting.
comment by shesaidwhat on June 24, 2008 2:11 PM ()
There is always the family medical leave act. You need to take care of someone... I know it! So many people need you. Taurus eh? Very practical and security is a definite for you! I know everything will work out the way it is suppose to. I'm just sorry you have to wait so long to find out! Stay busy... let me guess, you are a work aholic too!
comment by frogfenatic on June 23, 2008 10:22 PM ()
Hmmmm I think it sounds good as well. Can you go part time at your job? I would check that stuff out because if ya don't hate it, ya might want it back if things don't work out exactly as planned!
BUT it sounds good so congrats!!!
comment by kristilyn3 on June 23, 2008 4:56 PM ()
Quit your job-have confidence in you and J--you will have work to do on the script and that other job will distract you--I have no doubt you will succeed so go for it with all your heart AND time!!!
comment by greatmartin on June 23, 2008 4:22 PM ()
this is very strange to me.Never heard of this sorts.
Can you get some pictures of their doings?would loved to see
comment by fredo on June 23, 2008 4:09 PM ()
Sounds very promising to me. If DC wasn't almost positive that you were going to get the funding, then he would have told you so point blank.
As far as quitting your job - you're right; it's a risk. You need to sit down and seriously weigh all options with J. (Suddenly, I'm sounding like a Dad here, aren't I? Sorry about that!)
(Is it possible to get this movie done WITHOUT quitting your job?)
If I were in your shoes, I don't think I would give it a second thought. I would JUMP at the chance to my script produced!!!!! (These people are the business of taking educated and informed guesses. They've read your script. They wouldn't be EVEN TALKING to you if they didn't think you had a better than average chance of succeeding!) Have you got any idea how scripts are presented and rejected every year? THOUSANDS!!!!
comment by hayduke on June 23, 2008 3:15 PM ()

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