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Shopping > Better Living Through Design

Better Living Through Design

When I have a little time to kill, or just need to take my eyes off my work for a few moments, I often like to check out this blog called Better Living Through Design.
Someone passed the link along to me a few years ago, and while many of the featured items are pretentiously over-priced, they do feature some pretty funky stuff from time to time.
For example, check out these lace drains for your sink.... only $100 a pop. Ha. They're pretty cute though... but I just can't justify spending $100 on something that's going to catch my soggy crumbs. Gross.

And here's a neat idea... stackable dishes that form the shape of a ming vase. That's pretty innovative. Only $125... which is actually surprisingly reasonable when compared to the sink drain. I was totally expecting the dishes to be closer to $1000 since it's an art piece and functional dinnerware all in one.

Oh, and this one kills me... I'm posting this for you placemat collectors out there (Janet). Guess how much a set of 6 costs? Go ahead, guess...

$399 and up! Seriously. Some sets go as high as $600. I mean, clearly these placemats are for people with more money than brains.
Now, this item was featured a couple years ago, and I've seriously contemplated ordering it because I use a lot of olive oil and balsamic vinegar in my cooking, and also because I think they're super cute and unique for a wine lover like me. Normally $28 sounds kinda pricey for a silly oil n' vinegar set, but after looking the prices of everything else on this site, it makes it seem dirt cheap in comparison.
Attention parents! Does your child have more stuffed animals than you can shake a stick at? Then how about for their next birthday you get them a tar teddy... only $1200.

Now, this is interesting... this little item is called "About Time". It is described as "poetry in motion, revealing the passing of time by rolling around your desk and telling time in one long continuous sentence. Designed in reaction to our stressed lives, where we tend to plan our daily activities to the minute, this clock simply tells you "it's about six o'clock" or "it's almost seven now". " Neat.

Okay, look at this...  They say these (porcelain) Paper Plates let you have the summer feel without the waste. Umm... yeah, I'm all for the environment n' everything, but I'd have to disagree with that statement -- it seems to me that there is a waste involved with these plates, and it's called a waste of money at $35 - $65 per plate! Sheesh.

Alright, I promise only a few more and then I'll stop. I'm just so addicted to this site, I can't help myself...
I really like this little item called a Buddha Bowl. So totally functional, and only $18.00 (which should seem like a steal when people are paying $65 for a trashy looking paper plate wannabe). I think this bowl is perfect for people like me who sit and eat my cereal in front of the computer every morning.

Okay, and finally... I love these gothic dinner plates and side plates.  They're certainly different.

Oh, did I say "finally"? I mean, almost finally... I just have to point out that I love this rug too.  But you'll never see it in my apartment... at least certainly not at the price of $6,000+. 

Anyhow, I find it really easy to get lost in this site of fun n' funky household decor, even if I'll never buy any of it. Although, I might get that oil n' vinegar set... someday.

posted on July 30, 2008 3:24 PM ()


I love the green bowl with a place for your thumb! Too cool and great color!
comment by frogfenatic on Aug 2, 2008 12:15 AM ()

My son made a better looking "plate" than those china paper plates... how funny!! I think the oil and vinegar price is reasonable, but Man oh man... I just can't pay high prices for stuff.
comment by shesaidwhat on Aug 1, 2008 8:54 AM ()
I love the cereal bowl and the clock...but who in thier right mind would buy a tar teddy? It is a cool site tho..I'll have to check it out..
comment by elfie33 on July 31, 2008 2:30 PM ()
thanks for sharing
comment by anacoana on July 30, 2008 7:19 PM ()
wow! That's a lot of interesting stuff indeed! I love the oil and vinegar set myself... Maybe a birthday idea for the fam!
comment by kristilyn3 on July 30, 2008 5:01 PM ()
Thanks for posting. It confirms that art is expensive, and also makes me feel like a philistine because I never thought of any of those things, esp the paper plate look. Those sink drains look permanent - seems like stuff would really catch on them more than usual, but they are pretty.
comment by troutbend on July 30, 2008 4:22 PM ()
That was a fun post.Really enjoyed it.[THUMBUP
Maybe someone need to tar their feather.Oh!what do I know]
comment by fredo on July 30, 2008 4:12 PM ()
I'm considering the placemats. Would you happen to know if they are fabric or vinyl?
comment by nittineedles on July 30, 2008 3:52 PM ()
BOOO... why aren't my pictures showing?
comment by mellowdee on July 30, 2008 3:26 PM ()

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