It's funny how people you've never met can actually have that kind of impact.
Anyhow, aside from our new life working on the script, we've had been kept busy with a few birthday parties, a family reunion, and a wedding over the last week or so. Not to mention, this weddingmoon planning has also been consuming a considerable portion of my mindshare. Holy crow, I swear that I don't know how I ever got anything done working a full time job, because it seems that I'm twice as busy since I started working from home.
So, while I'd like to take the time to write a proper post tonight, it grows late here, and I know it's only a matter of minutes before J calls out from the bedroom, "You're still on the computer?" Yes, normally this is our watching Fraiser re-runs in bed time. (I know what you're thinking... "What incredibly exciting lives we lead filled with such fascinating routine." Ha.) Oh wait, scratch that, it's Monday, so that means it's back to back "Are You Smarter Than A Canadian 5th Grader" instead. Ugh. I guess there's no rush to bed then. (Yes, we are blessed with both the American and Canadian versions of the show!)
Oh wait... scratch that... I *just* got asked, "Are you coming to bed tonight?" Ha. I knew that was coming soon. ;) I just wanted to catch up on a few things around here in MyBloggersland first.
Okay, well like I was saying, perhaps I'll make a proper post tomorrow. We're heading out to J's folks to Granny-sit for a couple days, so I'm sure there'll be a bit of spare time to surf around on his parent's computer... that is, if they got it fixed yet. J's mom opened a spam email last week and lost *everything*. Sigh. This isn't the first time it has happened.
Well, in case I don't return to the Land of MyBloggers for another few days, I just wanted to say, I will be back soon... but in the meantime, I wanted to share this picture of my niece and my NEW nephew who was born last Thursday.
I'm not trying to be biased, but aren't they just the cutest? Can you tell that Niece is super excited to be a big sister? I was talking to Sis today and she said that she has to tell Niece to stop petting the baby all the time. It seems she's addicted to his super soft skin. Aw, so sweet.
Okay, so on that note, I hope you're all well, and I do hope to catch up with you all soon.