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Me On Lifes Errornomics

Life & Events > Taking a Time Out

Taking a Time Out

I didn't want to get up this morning, I did though ...reluctently..justget the kids off to school as you do. I was just so very tired. I think all the busy-ness of the past few months, the meds, all come to a head and my body said no more! After they all vacated the house I just sat there watching the NatGeo channel on how Polar Bears migrate. I know I didn't learn anything from it because I just sat there starring at the screen. Please don't ask me lol [Blush].

The younger children were having a Christmas fete today, in which case they had be collected an hour early for the event. Since the op, Hubby has been great in making it home from work on time to do the school run since I'm dodgy on my feet. I prayed he'd remember to come home early today. He Did, but he forgot about the fete! He wandered down the school and ended up being dragged through the fete with Layla, James and Emily - they robbed him blind lol. They had a good time though, thats the main thing. 'They bought me loads of sweeties ha! :D

I had to get out of my own way buy 4pm; I was dead tired and my knee started giving me jip! I took myself and my aches and pains up to bed and elevated the leg, applied ice and watched the birds out the window. Annoyingly... I didn't fall asleep! The knee was like a tooth ache - consistently throbed throbed throbed. Hubby said to stay home from work and chill. I was pleased to say the least.

So here I am here home with Layla 5, she's gone past her 'Jimmy-Jam' time too! She begged me to watch more cartoons, *give the whole puppy dog eyes thing* untill I caved in! Anything for peace and quiet as they say!
We did intend on doing photo shoots tonight, but my instincts were that not all the students would turn up so I cancelled. Layla flipped out! She created just like "Hollywood Kids" would, 'I'm having my picture in the paper- I goto go to Karate!' It took quite while untill she realised that Mommy isn't going into work to take pics - head shot or what lol.

There's only 12 days until we close for Christmas; Tell you what - 'I can't wait'!! I think the whole family is itching to have closure to this year and chilax for a few weeks. I hope it all goes well.

posted on Dec 1, 2010 11:23 AM ()


Hope it's better now.
comment by troutbend on Dec 3, 2010 6:22 PM ()
I hope you're soon back on your feet. Don't rush it, though.
comment by redimpala on Dec 2, 2010 12:42 PM ()
Aside from your "inside conversation" with augusta/febreze (comments), the post made sense. You MUST take it easy. I've been there, done that--been in a hurry to recuperate, and was sorry afterwords. You have a good excuse to rest up. Do it.
comment by solitaire on Dec 2, 2010 6:27 AM ()
I know - the other evening, I didn't know 'who' the heck I was
comment by febreze on Dec 1, 2010 1:40 PM ()
Frank 'who' ?????
reply by augusta on Dec 1, 2010 1:53 PM ()
LMAO You wanna talk to 'Frank' If you don't know who he is - ask Bedrock
reply by lynniesouffle on Dec 1, 2010 1:44 PM ()
You should try 'The History Channel' - much more entertaining . . .
comment by augusta on Dec 1, 2010 1:16 PM ()
It's hard to keep up with your split personalities lol
reply by lynniesouffle on Dec 1, 2010 1:37 PM ()
Layla may 'look' the spiting image of her dad, but she has the personality of her mum I remember when you had your review of you're 'Wicked Witch of the West" in the paper, one Christmas time - you were 'spell bound' with an acting career
I hope the pain in you're knee has eased - I know you have to work it, but let it 'rest' too
Just think, this is Emily's last Christmas in this school - where has the time gone, eh Lynnette? Hey, this time next year, we will have another new member to the family too Catcha later babe,
comment by febreze on Dec 1, 2010 12:36 PM ()
It is like personality - totally 'split'
reply by febreze on Dec 1, 2010 1:42 PM ()
Yeah, my knee is behaving for a moment....!!! It bugs me that I had 2 days of excruciating pain, the a week of nothing then MORE pain?!?! It's maddening. I know it won't last forever; that alone is keeping me sane!
reply by lynniesouffle on Dec 1, 2010 1:39 PM ()

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