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Me On Lifes Errornomics

Life & Events > My Brain is in the Shed!

My Brain is in the Shed!

I think i've lost it compleetly. I bumped into bedrock yesterday on the way out of physio, we swapped stories about the NHS and do you know what? I totally forgot to wish him a Happy Birthday!!! :O He was feeling so down too! I feel so selfishly awful. Thing is aswell, I had his birthday card and presents here ready since last week, I can't believe I forgot! It must be all these tablets i'm taking, they're making my mind mushy! I'll have to pop over to see him tonight after work, if he'll let me in; he'll probably never want to talk to me again for that. :(

I had the dressing changed on my war wound yesterday. I was expecting to see a 5 inch gash lined with stitches, but to my suprise there wasn't! Instead I had 5 1 inch gashes all over my knee, I have no idea where the logic in that was, but I guess there's less chance of infection this way. Tell you what though, it's been hurting like a mother betsy today, but not in the cut wounds as you might expect - it's deep inside the knee. I was told to take asprin for 6 months to prevent clots which i'm doing, also, the physio told me to stretch out my calf muscle more because all the blood and crap that goes with the surgery still needs to come out of the calf muscle - it's sooo stiff! if you were to look at my ankle you'd think i've broken it. Some of the blood has been gravity fed to my foot and turned it black and blue, the physio said it was normal which I was glad about because for a minute I thought they must have dropped me off the bed when I was out cold haha! ~~~~

Today I've been ploding about in the peace and quiet,
I carried on putting a few more decorations up for Christmas. I'm expecting the Gas Engineer to call to put a new PCB board in my central heating boiler. You see, The heating broke down again on friday, we've been cold right through to the bones; Yet, by a stroke of luck, the heating switched it'self back on last night so we're all nice and toasty again. I don't know how long for though, I hope I haven't missed that engineer when I was hoovering. I'd better give them a ring to see.


posted on Nov 30, 2010 3:31 AM ()


Good afternooooooooooonnnnnnnnn Where are you and watcha doing???????????????
comment by augusta on Dec 1, 2010 5:26 AM ()
Actually I was thinking abut how much ice was on the road in your courtyard. Then my mind wandered to my sinus's and thought 'I think i might be getting a cold'. *Then I looked at the clock and thought 'Ch!t' ive been on here to long and have to finish my pie'
reply by lynniesouffle on Dec 1, 2010 11:27 AM ()
The furnace always seems to go out at the worst possible time. Hope they can get it fixed permanently and not have to wait for parts, etc.
comment by troutbend on Nov 30, 2010 3:06 PM ()
The heating guy had to order another part. The thermostat switch this time. He'll be round to fix it tomorrow. I'm Gutted and freezing my bits off. On the bright side, they've thrown so many new parts at my boiler, that it'll be working like new now!
reply by lynniesouffle on Dec 1, 2010 11:31 AM ()
This is very typical of you love.Gas Engineer are you serious.
comment by fredo on Nov 30, 2010 1:17 PM ()
*Gas Specialist* is the correct term here in te UK
reply by lynniesouffle on Dec 1, 2010 11:32 AM ()
Oh, my life - what a time for the heating to break down!!!! Obviously I know there is never a 'good' time, but 'now' for goodness sake
Looking a the sky as I type his, it looks as if we may have some more of 'the white stuff' soon.
Bedrock said he had seen you yesterday, luckily for him, he was not too long in there, awaiting another appointment to see someone else down there (different department, this time).
Look forward to seeing you later, but don't try it if the roads are bad, which they may be this evening - and watch out for the path to my front door - may be slippery - I will sprinkle some more salt on it . . .
comment by augusta on Nov 30, 2010 7:00 AM ()
Poor Bedrock. Give him loads of hugs and kisses from me. I'll come up again soon.
reply by lynniesouffle on Dec 1, 2010 11:35 AM ()
"Gas engineer"--new term for me. I like it. Happy to hear you're up and about, gashes and bruises notwithstanding. Take it easy, hear me?
comment by solitaire on Nov 30, 2010 6:12 AM ()
I heeded your advice and took it easy today. I had to, my body went on a full stop lol
reply by lynniesouffle on Dec 1, 2010 11:33 AM ()

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