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Me On Lifes Errornomics

Life & Events > I Got 'Told Off' ...

I Got 'Told Off' ...

My physio-therapist told me off today for not using my crutches. He was ok until he saw me walking out with a weird limp. But in my defence I had walked all round town looking for a good deal on the 'Play Station 3' 320GB with M.O.H and Gran Turrismo for the boys for Christmas. That wasn't good enough for him. He said the infection has already hampered my healing, plus I'm slow healer and not doing myself any favours by not taking care of my leg!!!


Of course he's right; he's been my physio for the past 3 years, he knows the history of all my injurys and he's not impressed. He know's I will do anything to get back on my feet properly, but when I moaned about my hamstrings, he said that isn't right. If i've moaned to him before now, he's always found the cause, so the pain in the hamstrings is puzzling him because they shouldn't be hurting since the graft was harvested from the patella tendon. Maybe it's like he said - 'The Infection' could be the culprit. Nevertheless, it's a waiting game. Time will heal everything - it always does.

Like I said above; we made a start on the Chritmas Shopping. I loved every minute of it.....well up until I got dragged round the Video Game shop!!! Gad, I hate those shops. They full to the brim of cola abused,skinny, un-shaven, long haired mouthy Geekazoids!!! Have you ever looked at these people? Do they have parents? I hate buying these Game machines, they mess with kids minds, change there atitudes. Gawd Forbid they come out in the sunshine with less than factor 50 on, they'd burn to a crisp - 'Disappear like Vampires' [Glare]. Well, I lost the family battle. I got ganged up on by my brothers, hubby and son's felt they needed the next best PS3. For petes sake! I threw the money at the Equally dressed Geezazoid leader of the Pack, do you know he had the nerve to ask if I wanted an extended warenty!!!!

Anyway, soon enough, I was back in a normal shop buying normal gifts for everybody, my purse felt lighter but I soon found new ways of damaging my plastic! Ooooh it felt good. Next time I go out, I'll be buying for me. it's been a while since I bought something for myself that didn't involve hospitals. Time to treat me I think.

posted on Dec 9, 2010 12:40 PM ()


I . . . am . . . not . . . a . . . 'weirdo' . . . . . .
comment by febreze on Dec 14, 2010 4:28 PM ()
You are one stubborn lady (I refrained from using "broad")! What are we going to do with you? Sorry I couldn't watch your daughter sing. (dial up)
comment by solitaire on Dec 12, 2010 6:38 AM ()
I hear you - I do! Sometimes it's just easier ya know. I know it's not right to make-do and push on regardless. I have a walking stick now lol. It has been use-full.
reply by lynniesouffle on Dec 13, 2010 3:39 PM ()
Have you heard of online shopping? That works pretty well for those who should be off their feet healing up from surgery. And where were all these brothers, hubby and sons who have all the bright ideas? If they think it's so important, they can get out there and deal with the geeks.
comment by troutbend on Dec 9, 2010 11:19 PM ()
OMG I love on line shopping, In fact I think it was my idea along with Windows 8 lol. I couldn't give my brothers and my hubby my plastic, they'd rob me blind lol
reply by lynniesouffle on Dec 13, 2010 3:58 PM ()
use your damn crutches woman!!!!! I don't want you doing permanent dambage to yourself.
comment by elkhound on Dec 9, 2010 5:19 PM ()
I have a walking stick now lol
reply by lynniesouffle on Dec 13, 2010 3:36 PM ()
I . . am . . not . . going . . to . . even . . comment . . on . . you . . not . . taking . . proper . . care . . of . . your . . leg - it . . goes . . in . . one . . ear . . and . . out . . the . . other . . . . . . . .
Take a look at nitingneedles 'for cat lovers' - fabulous!
comment by febreze on Dec 9, 2010 2:28 PM ()
o......k *weirdo*
reply by lynniesouffle on Dec 13, 2010 3:40 PM ()
Tell me are you alway accident prone.Of all the years that we have spoke you seemed to get in some sort of accident.Why is this?I can understand why the therapist is pissed off at you.Do you need attention?love,etc.
Comon,let us start the New Year right.PS.this is my feeling about this.
No puns either.Just trying to find out why is this happening.
Well anyways,good luck with it what ever your doing and the hell with Play station.
comment by fredo on Dec 9, 2010 2:16 PM ()
I actually find physio a pain in the rear end if I'm honest! I turn up because I have too. I try not to baby the leg to make sure I have the speediest recovery. He (the therapist) just caught me stumble a bit. looking back, yes I see his point. I have a walking stick now. One step at a time as they say
reply by lynniesouffle on Dec 13, 2010 3:45 PM ()

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