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Me On Lifes Errornomics

Life & Events > Finishing Furnishings

Finishing Furnishings

On the 28th November we're holding 2 tournaments, 1 of which is open to the Nation. We're holding the both tournaments in the same building and in the same venue just because we like a challenge haha! Besides some political hic-cups and red tape I refuse to see, we're pretty much all set to go! I've paid everybody from the Medics to the crowd control. We're anticipating (from the e.mails of interest we've had) between 200-300 people inc competitiors turning up. I searched the Nation for a company who hired out crowd control barriers, as it turns out theres was a company in my villiage who hires them out, you can even see the company from my bedroom window. Typical in it! I have a team of people working in the leisure centres, they've all collected their dojo mats and assembled them ready in our venue.
*Barriers - Check
*Podiums are made - Check
*Tropheys and Medals have arrived - Check
*Speakers and Microphones have arrived - Check!
*Rounded up all the officials, judges, referees, time-keepers and scorers.
*Tables are all set up - Check
*Flags - Check
*Ambulance access to building rear - Check

Just got buy some bouqets and arrangements, people working on the score clocks, make a list for the food and get the raffle prize. Easy!!!

Haha! *Counting the Grey Hairs*

What could go wrong? ....

My moto it, 'Expect nothing - Be prepared for EVERYTHING'.

...All I need to do now is to concentrate on me and get my operation out of the way this tuesday. Im in ward b2 btw mom. send me some grapes lol. x

posted on Nov 18, 2010 5:40 AM ()


Best of luck for a smooth-running function, and your operation as well.

It's funny to me how in Great Britain grapes are the traditional thing to take to folks in the hospital. Oh, excuse me: IN HOSPITAL, not In THE Hospital, as we say it over here. I don't think Americans have a traditional thing to take there, except maybe flowers and magazines, and even that is not consistent.
comment by troutbend on Nov 19, 2010 3:40 PM ()
LOL in the past (for me anyway) it was custom to ensure the patient always had enough ciggarettes believe it or not! I wasn't to bothered about anything else - just wheel me to the smoking section haha! This time, I don't smoke; Come March I would be smoke free for 2 years and im proud of myself for that, but what the hell am I going to do now lol? I have no vice anymore. *Gum* i'll have to get Gum! Blow bubbles to pass the time. They say no mobiles in hospitals, but according to my brothers wife, they allow them in our hospital. I'm so glad of that because it means I can blog, and facebook ect on my phone. I couldn't imagine seeing myself wheeling myself down to the kiddies puter ward and beating them with crutches to get at the internet.
Hmm it's going to be a real adventure and im looking forward to raising an eyebrow at my Mom peeling grapes
reply by lynniesouffle on Nov 20, 2010 5:43 AM ()
YaY for Layla YaY
comment by augusta on Nov 18, 2010 9:46 AM ()
reply by augusta on Nov 20, 2010 11:22 AM ()
I was all teary eyed when the head teacher told me she was singing a solo in front of everyone. Yet at the same time I could only imagine the temper tantrum she threw to get the part
reply by lynniesouffle on Nov 20, 2010 5:31 AM ()
After your call, put my duster away and said to myself, "J, you've done enough" (or words to that effect)and logged on to read your post! What you didn't tell me was 'where' you are holding the tournament? I think it is 'speedy hire' that you wre talking about - you should have mentioned it before, I could have suggested it, never mind at least you have it sorted Now, as I told you on the blower, just start to think about 'yourself' and getting your 'mind-set' prepared. - I will even peel the grapes for you
Love ya
comment by febreze on Nov 18, 2010 8:12 AM ()
Yes it is Speedy Hire! Lovely people to work with! The best part is they accomodated my only available time to deliver which would be out of their working hours and charged half price because its a junior event! £40 for 20 crowd control barriers for a week. Bargin
reply by lynniesouffle on Nov 20, 2010 5:15 AM ()
Where's your faith? Sounds like you're good to go! And good luck!
comment by solitaire on Nov 18, 2010 7:00 AM ()
It's so nerve wracking! Making sure everybody is catered for. I think the biggest worry is not being able to attend the events I created because I may be stuck in hospital. I have huge 'to-do' lists for the team that volunteered to help organize it. It's in them I have to find faith now.
reply by lynniesouffle on Nov 20, 2010 5:20 AM ()

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