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Me On Lifes Errornomics

Life & Events > Dear Diary ...

Dear Diary ...

It's stupid o'clock!! Why did I just randomly wake at 05:17am? I laid in bed scratching my head; was I thirsty, nope! Was I hungry, a little, but not enough to go snacking in the dark if you know what I mean. Clueless, I just laid there and let my brain kick off and send me into an anxious state of mind. I hate that!

In a way, I suppose it was necessary. I did come to terms with the fact that I do have a lot of imediate things to be getting on with, i.e work and finding more. But annoyingly I wandered into stupidville and found myself wanting to make preperations for the hospital stay that I have no idea for how long for! (A clasic example of how I think to much). They said to me last week, the recovery time from the knee op is lengthy, but... I don't know exactly how long i'll be in, so of course I naturally do my own head in worrying about a length of time that doesn't even exist yet! How stupid is that!!!

Well I'm awake now, and up preparing things for dinner. *remembered* to pull the mince beef out of the freezer for my home made bolognese i'm going to make later. I had a massive crop of plum tomatoes this year, i'm so happy about that. In previous years, the turned all shades of different colors and then split! no matter how much we tried we couldn't figure a solution out. However, this year, we changed to plum toms, and I'm so glad we did, they taste super sweet - delish! Looking forward to cooking with them.

With that, i'll leave you with this. 'Don't stand in someone else's shadow when it's your sunlight that should lead the way.'

Have a great day!

posted on Aug 9, 2010 10:14 PM ()


I go into a 'trance' - not a trace . . .
comment by febreze on Aug 12, 2010 7:58 AM ()
Damn! I read this post of yours yesterday and I had intended to think of a 'wise' quote to match you on - but I fergot . . . ! - Fear not, I shalll, put on my thinking cap . . . (yours is a good'un, fair play)!
Tell you what though, what does help 'me' to work out problems and that I found by 'chance'. A couple of years ago, I started playing 'games' on the computer - 'thinking' ones, i.e. 'pymarid', scrabble and other word games. I found that whilst I play, I seem to go into a kid of 'trace' if you will; I find myself subconsciously browsing over what ever is on my mind and lo & behold a 'solution' appears to me! I find I sleep better too.
comment by febreze on Aug 11, 2010 4:20 PM ()
Sounds Good, I'll have to give it a try.
reply by lynniesouffle on Aug 12, 2010 5:32 AM ()
my mind does the same thing. it refuses to shut off at night and I think of the stupidest things to worry about! hope you are having a good day, mine is just beginning.
comment by elkhound on Aug 11, 2010 5:05 AM ()
I think that's anxiety Mary. Everyone needs to calm there worries. I just wish I knew of an effective way to pass on to you - but I don't
reply by lynniesouffle on Aug 12, 2010 5:31 AM ()
I saw a recipe for bolognese sauce on TV the other day, so maybe I'll give it a try, with a little more care than my usual memorized method. Maybe I'll discover a whole new way to make it that transcends all before.
comment by troutbend on Aug 9, 2010 10:23 PM ()
Sounds wonderful! I'm a sucker for copying new recipe ideas. It's nice to try new methods, makes lunchtime less boring
reply by lynniesouffle on Aug 12, 2010 5:26 AM ()

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