Day started early and late! The early bird was up and about lurking at 7am, trying to find this weeks order sheet. It was quickly located with a sigh of relief, all the while my brain is saying ' Why are you up so early during the school holidays'. I didn't argue with myself and went back to bed.
It didn't seem long before I woke up again, but this time I was in a tizz, holding my breath trying to figure out what day it was! I had forgotten to re-order my panic attack medication! OMG! I called the surgery, they told me I had 30 Min's to get in to see them!!! I was convinced they did that on purpose! Grrr.
I turned to the mirror and thought 'bleeding hell - look at my hair! Memories of what my mom would say to me came flooding back; 'Stick yer head under the tap - that'll flatten out just nice! (Although, the 'spit in the tissue' thing was quickley blocked out, "I could do soap and water all by myself haha!) Slung on my glad rags and knee strap, I knew I would be rushing to the surgery and didn't have time to prove the theory of gravity again, so all precautions were taken.
The normal surgery hours rolled into the emergency (people who forgot to re-order meds) time! By now I was was begining to believe I was invisible, didn't these people know I want "Panic Attack Meds" are they taking the Mik! Hands are starting to shake! Finally got in to see a 'New, doctor' ....hmmm, here we go I thought. He could see I was in a fluster and couldn't talk straight; well I was just blurting random things out. I did eventually get round to the point that I wanted to repeat script, but not before he doubled the dose! Woah, thought this guy is keen; I could hear my conscience rubbing its hands together thinking we can go to town with this guy, these doctors don't come round to often lol! But, no...holding my breath I left the office, bit freaked out all the same, wondering what hubby will say. He don't like me taking pills, he says everything is mind over matter! Well thats ok for him, he hasn't ended up on heart monitors after collapsing from panic attacks. He'll never understand it. Come to think about it - not many people do for that matter.
To save an annoying long wait in my usual chemist, I went to the one up the top street. Now I'm not great on directions at the best of times, but my village is broken down into a maze of streets, I can never remember which one to walk up to reach the chemist the fastest! I recalled the last time I tried to get there. After panicking about it, I ended up phoneing hubby to guide me as some of the streets signs are missing. Today however, I did it in style; I have a GPS on my new phone, so I typed in the street name and went from there, *Managed to avoid the lampost gracefully :D*. The voice over never mentioned that lol 'stupid cow'.
I sat with this old man while I waited for the prescription. I recognised him straight away, not by name or face but buy the two dirty buckets he had with him! He gets five finger discount from the steal works, he passes my house everyday! Freakin thief! I was like OMG. I couldn't / didn't want to say nothing, you can't can you. I try my best to avoid awkward situations like this but it was un-avoidable, we sat there for 10 minutes discussing knee opperations back in the day. [ohmy] Believe me you don't want to know!
Till next time ....
Loved this post - laughed out loud several times while I read it, you are nuts, lol