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Life & Events > The Worms

The Worms

Last night, once R was home safe and sound, was all about saving the worms. hehe. We went out on the patio a few times, and at one point I saw a worm coming right for us on the patio - aka away from the ground it undoubtedly calls home. For some reason I just felt bad for it. I was like "R, you should save him." R didn't hesitate to try to save this worm. hahaha It was funny, but the remainder of any patio time last night was spent getting the worms back to the earth.

It's day 4 and I am going STRONG on weight watchers. YAY! I asked R last night if he would want to make walking with me a regular thing, he agreed. YAY! That makes me happy. For some reason I worry when I walk around the waste water on my own since there are some parts of the path that are all secluded and wooden, and well, I am a worry wart! I would loooove to bring my Kraymer but there are also parts of the path that we would have no where to go if we encountered anyone else, so Cujo hasta stay home.

When I visited my parents they commented on how fat he's gotten. I was like look at the owner, then you can understand the dog. I learned that a long time ago and I have found it to be relatively true! I have gained weight, and so did my Kraymer. I just wish he wasn't such a FREAK! I would walk him all the time. He loves it.

Tonight R and I are going out to dinner with his bro. Should be fun! I have already decided that I am having a garden salad with fat free dressing and possibly some veggies on the side. We shall see where we end up. BUT I have decided that I will be good. I also turned K down for going out tomorrow night. I don't want to drink ALL of my points on my first week, ya know? That and I am saving some for Saturday.

Saturday should be interesting. Pal, her hubby, J (an ex), his wife A, R and I are going to meet up for a late lunch/early dinner. It will be fun, but an interesting dynamic... Apparently A is jealous only of me. Interesting tidbit hey? I have no idea why though at all. None. But anyways - should be fun!

HAPPY THURSDAY everyone!!!

posted on June 5, 2008 8:14 AM ()


Putting the "earth" in worm is so something I would do.
comment by walkwithgrace on June 7, 2008 5:44 AM ()
I am glad R is walking with you, since Kraymer can't. Is it other dogs that trigger him? Rex loves other dogs, he always licks their muzzles.
comment by elderjane on June 6, 2008 2:17 PM ()
We took Lilly for a walk today. Her legs are so short we ended up carrying her! Just a little spoiled!
comment by peanutsmom on June 5, 2008 5:20 PM ()
Saving up your points sounds like a great idea... then you can get the cut day you deserve!
comment by mellowdee on June 5, 2008 11:19 AM ()
Poor Kraymer Cujo head. It's too bad that he wigs out and yet gets along with people and Tucker. Does he freak if R and Tucker are there too?
comment by sexysadie on June 5, 2008 10:13 AM ()

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