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Politics & Legal > Speaking of Intolerance

Speaking of Intolerance

My parents are staunch republicans who are all for Trump and what he stands for. It sickens me, but I am truly trying to understand their viewpoint. Alas I don't agree with any of it. This is no longer the America I thought I knew, and that frightens me and makes me sad... When discussing issues with my father he has told me I need an attitude adjustment.

I went to the march on the 21st with some co-workers from the winery and it was AMAZING. It truly felt as if we were surrounded by like minds! Then to see my mother posting on FB about how Trump has made more fat women march than Michelle Obama was disheartening. Also she posted about how we left behind so much trash and how immature it was to leave signs in front of Trumps hotels. Yet the National Park service said it was one of the cleanest marches they have seen in a long time, and there were SO MANY PEOPLE!

Then yesterday I saw something about the 45th administration saying women need to dress like women... ??? I loved one comment, "How to dress like a woman: Identify as a woman and get dressed." Amen.

I have been trying to not be so down about everything that is happening. I hope we don't all get nuked, I hope we don't lose all our allies, I hope we don't lose our fresh air and water (how do people not think this is VITAL????) and I hope to not lose all our rights. To me there is SO much to lose with so little if anything to gain from this administration. I hope I am wrong, I really have never wanted to be wrong more in my life.

Rant over.

Happy weekend!

posted on Feb 4, 2017 7:10 AM ()


You are right to feel that way. There are many of my friends, family and acquaintances who would willingly give up their rights to re-establish the kind of prejudices and segregation that we had in the 1940s and 50s. It is ingrained in their DNA. And so it is beginning. Stay bravely on your own two feet. We will prevail.
comment by jondude on Feb 8, 2017 6:34 AM ()
The main news makes me upset, but I feel better after watching some Rachel Maddow clips. Along with White House actions, there's been tremendous pushback, nationwide. The more Trump does, the more people are angry, and public opinion matters a lot.
comment by drmaus on Feb 5, 2017 11:03 AM ()
I don't think you are wrong. I'm so happy you marched. I too marched in Los Angeles with Hawkgirl and it gave me hope because every single person was kind to each other. I have never seen so many polite people especially in the overcrowded subway of LA. But I've also not had so many headaches and upset stomach pain in my life. What this administration is doing is making me ill.
I'm so sorry that your parents need an attitude adjustment themselves.
comment by sexysadie on Feb 5, 2017 7:23 AM ()
For whatever reason, fb's algorithm shows posts that your mother comments on. The reason this is so ridiculous is because the person doesn't allow comments from friends of friends. So I read the crap and can't say anything about it. Gotta wonder about fb sometimes.
comment by jjoohhnn on Feb 4, 2017 5:18 PM ()
You are not wrong sweetheart. I love my family too and it hurts me to see how misguided they are. They are good people, blinded by party loyalty. Aside from my daughter, my daughter in law and 3 grand daughters as well as a great niece and one nephew, all are firmly in
Trump's camp. The lying, hate and malice of this administration make me sick. Proud of you, babe!!
comment by elderjane on Feb 4, 2017 4:39 PM ()

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