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Life & Events > Seeing the Positive

Seeing the Positive

So R is always telling me to look for the positive.

Well the positive in working on a holiday that the rest of the DC area has off is that there is usually no traffic.

This morning on the way to work there was traffic going my way due to an accident. I was listening to the radio and it was the only incident reported, otherwise roads were pretty clear. Great.

On the way home I heard on the radio that the way I go was all backed up due to an accident, once again the only accident reported in the entire DC area.

I came home and said - where is the positive in that??? He had no response.

I win. Not.

In other news, since he got to be in PJ's all day he decided to cook me dinner, aka heart attack on a plate. We are having potatoes au gratin, pasta alfredo (jar sauce), garlic bread and cream of tomato soup. Can you say holy lots of food??? If I wasn't trying to be good on the diet I would be all over it, alas I am trying to be good. Perhaps tonight will hafta fall by the way side so I can enjoy his slaving over the stove for me! :0)

I will win the lotto I will win the lotto I will win the lotto.

Happy Tuesday!

posted on Nov 11, 2008 3:22 PM ()


Stick to your diet.

They were trying to get me to have dessert at the restaurant last night. After sitting most of the week in the lab, I don't need dessert on top of too much dinner that late.
comment by stiva on Nov 20, 2008 9:27 AM ()
Maybe the positive in the accident was something you couldn't predict... like if traffic wasn't backed up and you were doing your regular speed, perhaps you might've ended up in an accident. (At least that's what I always try to tell myself whenever we're stuck in a situation like that. )
comment by mellowdee on Nov 12, 2008 10:42 AM ()
What a sweetheart of a guy you got. Lucky girl.
comment by shesaidwhat on Nov 12, 2008 6:24 AM ()
Heart attack on a plate. Funny. And it made me really hungry.
You will win the lottery. You will win the lottery. You will win the lottery.
comment by walkwithgrace on Nov 11, 2008 8:18 PM ()
Could be worse... if you was here (with me), I'd have the pig in the barbecue pit... we'd turn the crank till he cooks "evenly". We'd have to chop his head (because that's gross to eat) then have a feast. Artery stopping bliss I say.. lol.

Seems you got a "keeper".. close to the same page (thoughts).. He's trying hun.. I know he is...


Seems like you got a "nice caring guy" (for your needs)..

Seems this guy "trying alot"...
comment by coincutter on Nov 11, 2008 6:47 PM ()
Keep saying it over and over...I will win the lotto. When I was younger I had two uncles that loved to fish. One caught a boat load every time I went with him, while the other one never caught much of anything. I asked my fish catching uncle how he did it, and he said. you have to think fish every time you have to think you're going to catch one, well I caught more fish after kristy, think lotto
comment by strider333 on Nov 11, 2008 6:22 PM ()
You WILL win the lotto!

That is quite the creamy feast! Holy Au Gratin!!!
comment by sexysadie on Nov 11, 2008 5:47 PM ()
Now I'm hungry! I have this crazy insane thing for garlic bread!

And on another note - I have already Asked to win the lottery... Believed it, and now we have to split it!
comment by greeneyedgemini on Nov 11, 2008 3:39 PM ()

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