I had a GREAT time. The lake was awesome as well. We tried to have a surprise bday party for my brother M's 40th but it didn't pan out to be a surprise. Oopsy! :0) It was fun regardless... My other brother, S, who doesn't drink, took my mom, M, SIL and myself to wineries last Monday. Super super fun! Then on Wednesday my mom and I decided to do some gambling - which was also a lot of fun! I lost per usual but enjoyed every second of it. haha
The conference was simply awesome. Pal's hubby was there and he's a social social guy so we met a lot of people! It was very informative and just a really good time overall. I actually won a raffle!!! That is a rarity! I won a basket full of books, dog treats, a toy, a shirt and a bag... and some other things but it was worth about $150 so I was excited. I also spent a bit on a new collar for Kraymer, some videos, and other things. It all went to St. Hubert's for charity. They are trying to build a bigger and better training center to help more and more shelter dogs!
I am happy to be home with the boys, and I can't wait to see the hubster! It's funny, I asked him if he vacuumed while I was gone, he said no, but that he had picked up. I am REALLY glad he picked up because when I came in the place was in a state of disarray. Rotting tomatoes on the counter along side week old molding bread, tumbleweeds of dog hair - you know, the usual. hahaha Oh well. I am still glad to be home!