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Life & Events > Boring > Indecision Rules My World!

Indecision Rules My World!

We ended up going to the gym last night. I worked out on the bike for a half hour. YAY!
Tonight is water aerobics. YAY!
I accomplished another 1/2 hour on the treadmill again this morning too. YAY!
So tomorrow morning is when I need to drop my Kraymer head off for his surgery. I am worried about him in many ways, one (minorish) being this. 
We have a routine in the morning. I wake up, he stretches, gets off my bed and goes to his bed and lays down while I get ready (brush my teeth etc.) we then go for our walk. After we get home, I bring out the scary treadmill (Kraymer always gets in the way then acts completely petrified of it while we move towards him), then I feed him, hop on the treadmill and work out.
What is the point of knowing all of this? Tomorrow morning he has to miss the MAJOR event of his morning. Feeding time. I am debating waking up at my normal time and skipping the treadmill, therefore messing up the routine and he won't totally be expecting food... or should I just do things normally (but wake up at 6:30 instead of 7 - YIKES!) and not feed him?  I worry too much about little things hey? But that has been on my mind a lot.
I am thinking I can work out in the evening instead of the morning and all will be well... but will I???
I could also drop him off first thing in the morning since they open at 7, but then he has to be in the cage for more of his day so I have pretty much decided on that not happening.
I am looking forward to the weekend. I am leaving work early tomorrow to pick up the Kraymer, and then on Saturday I am hanging out with my friend Dr. W. who is in MD for some doctor thing, so he's only about 1/2 hour away from me. We are gonna PARTY IT UP this weekend! Exciting times I say.
I will keep ya'll posted on my Kraymer, but I really am not worried about the surgery toooo much. I might change my tune tomorrow after I sign the consent forms saying that I can't sue the hospital if he dies... BUT right now, my mind is at peace. I am also glad I am going to leave a little early to get him and have no plans but to tend to him tomorrow night. Love the bubba...
Happy Thursday everyone!

posted on Apr 3, 2008 12:08 PM ()


Ah, that's so sweet. I remember how confused the kitties were when I didn't feel them before they got neutered. Kraymer head may be confused tomorrow no matter what, but he WILL know that you LOVE him.
comment by sexysadie on Apr 3, 2008 6:18 PM ()
I can empathize with you. One of our doggies had a throat lump; luckily, antibiotics did the trick. Our other doggie just had major surgery for a ruptured disc that was compressing two vertabrae. He just got his stitches out and seems recovered. Kraymer'll do fine. Dogs are better at this stuff than people.
comment by looserobes on Apr 3, 2008 12:37 PM ()
your bubba comes first doesn't he? that is so sweet how you are worried about him not eating. maybe a change in routine for one day wouldn't be so bad and he wouldn't be wondering where his food is. you are a good mama to that kraymer head!
comment by elkhound on Apr 3, 2008 12:35 PM ()
We had to do that with Maggie (our rottie who had the growth on her thyroid). He'll wonder I'm sure why you don't feed him, but does he like riding in the car? She loved riding in the car, so that made up for the not feeding her. I'm so sorry your boy has to go through this. I'll be praying the whole entire time.
comment by teacherwoman on Apr 3, 2008 12:13 PM ()
He will be fine.I know that he will.
Will be thinking of him.
As for you,get out there and enjoy yourself as you are doing so well
in your exercise.
comment by fredo on Apr 3, 2008 12:13 PM ()

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